Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Beyond the Book: Pick a Puppy

Welcome to Beyond the Book. My name is Jake Douglas, Elaine's heroine in Rest Thy Head. I'd like to get a pet for my sweet Peyton, so help me pick one. Leave a comment telling me which one you like best, and I'll talk Elaine into giving away some books.  Here we go.

Puppy 1

Puppy 2

Puppy 3

Puppy 4


  1. Puppy 2... he looks so sad, I just want to take him home.

  2. Puppy 2 - He's got such a sad "love me" face and he reminds me of Benji from the movies.

  3. Puppy #3.....they're all adorable!

  4. All of them would end up coming home with us. How could you choose just one? They're all so cute!

  5. Puppy #1 He's gorgeous with such lovely eyes.
