Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Everywhere It's You

by C.B. Salem



Legal investigator Kristina Andersen has been drugged.

It started when she came into work and was tasked with finding the firm's biggest client: the intense, enigmatic pharmaceuticals billionaire Landon Tatum.

She'd just had a sexy encounter with him while working a birthday party undercover at a seedy strip club the previous night. Now he's missing, and she needs to find him.

Problem: the drug coursing through her veins makes it so every man she sees looks like the man she's looking for.

And that's just the start of it.


Something passed across her vision as she turned to Anna. She spun back and looked out the window in time to see the tall, charcoal-suited frame of Landon Tatum walking down the hallway.

Kristina shot out of her seat and went to her door in time to see him disappear around the corner. She scurried out of her office and down the hall. When she got to the corner she saw men’s room door close.

Was she seeing things? She couldn’t just stalk the door awkwardly, could she? Footsteps came from behind her and she spun around. It was Anna.

“You okay?” Anna asked quietly. “That was kind of weird.”

Kristina rubbed her eyes again and then did her best to stare her friend down. Must be lack of sleep. Nothing that couldn’t be fixed with some more coffee. No way was he here. She was imagining it.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” she said lightly. “But I really need to get to work. Dunn told me it was either find Tatum or lose my job. Never mind a bunch of other people here getting laid off.”

“Jesus. What’s your first step?”

She took a deep breath, trying to get on top of her spinning mind. There were so many things to follow up on. The most important was taking another look at the party from last night. If there was a connection that was a big step to figuring out what had happened. If not, then she was no worse off.

“I think I need to call my brother Tom,” she said. “Set up a Recall.”

Author Bio:

C.B. Salem lives, writes, and dreams in Chicago. When she isn’t reading or plotting the next scene in her book, she enjoys cooking new dishes and having quality cuddles with her two dogs: Murphy and Oliver.

Twitter: @cbsalem

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The author is giving away a $20 B&N or Amazon gift certificate. Use the rafflecopter link below to enter. You can find all the tour stops at

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting my blog tour! It's my first one! I hope your readers enjoy the excerpt, and eventually the book. Take care!

  2. I've enjoyed learning about your book. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!
