Sunday, July 5, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here, you can find more excerpts at:

I'm sharing excerpts from Return Engagement. To recap, my hero and heroine meet on a beach ten years after his father a powerful senator broke them up. They've had hot dogs at the beach and gone to a carnival where he won her a stuffed cat. In spite of the fact that she's engaged to another man, the attraction between them is as strong as ever. We pick up where we left off last week.

“You are so sweet,” she declared, giving him a warm smile.

“I don’t believe it! Is that what I get for winning the cat? 
Sweet? I don’t want to be sweet.” 

Ignoring the crowds of people all around them, he jerked her close which made her breath leave her in a little woof. “I want to be your lover. I want you to say I’m sexy and that you want me. I can’t believe you think I’m sweet.”

Elizabeth willingly threw both discretion and Alex to the wind.  


  1. What is it with men not liking 'sweet' ... great excerpt, Elaine!

  2. Awesome last line. It says a lot.

  3. Awe, I like "sweet" :-) But that is a nice touch of character building. No "sweet" for this fella! Good snippet, Elaine.

    I noticed that you're not on the wewriwa list. I know that there was at least one day that linkytools had some kind of glitch. Someone emailed that they were having trouble getting their link to stick to the list. :-) I'm often tempted to send a last minute reminder to the people who post on a regular basis--but I never want to be presumptuous.

    I'll leave a comment beneath this week's post. :-)

  4. At least he's finally telling her straight out what he wants. Good snippet, Elaine. :)

  5. I like sweet men, but he makes a good point! :D

    I love that last line, Elaine.

  6. He certainly isn't mincing his words or building up to announcing his intentions!

  7. No man wants to be sweet when he wants to be more than friends with a women. Great job on this scene.

  8. Yay, Elizabeth! And kudos to him for rejecting the sweet label at this point in their evening. Enjoyed the snippet!

  9. Oh well! What should be happening finally happened. Now I'm wondering why she thought marrying Alex was a good idea. I'm curious about her relationship with him.

  10. Love that last line! I like his reaction to her calling him sweet too. How did she ever not end up with this guy? They obviously have a strong connection. I get the feeling Alex is going to be in for a rude awakening soon.

  11. yeah, most guys think that being called "sweet" is tantamount to being called a harmless eunuch. Well it certainly seems that things are moving along and she's going to have to let Alex down...

  12. Sweet, eh? That's dangerously close to, "The Friend Zone". Nice snippet.
