Sunday, August 2, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

I've been sharing excerpts from Return Engagement. To recap, my hero and heroine met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. All the old feelings are still there so he invites her to have a hot dog and go to a carnival with him. She's conflicted because she's engaged to another man.

Elizabeth was right. It
was a public place, and one set of eyes had been focused on them for almost the entire evening. The small, unremarkable man with washed out brown hair did not follow this time, but in his mind a new plan started to take shape, an infinitely superior plan.
“Look at the moon, Richard. Have you ever seen any
thing so big and beautiful? Isn’t it lovely the way it’s reflecting off the water?”

“Yes, but not as lovely as you are.” Richard made a sound of disgust. “That is so trite. You’ d think I could do better , but all evening I’ve had trouble saying what I mean.” 


  1. Hmmm... where did that man come from? I'm curious about him.

  2. Yes, I'm also curious about the man and what this is going to mean for Elizabeth. Looking forward to next week.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nicely done Elaine! I can't wait to find out who that man is and what he is up to.

  5. I'm intrigued who that man is ...... and I like his comment.

  6. Trouble saying what he means? :-) Love'll do that to ya. Nice snippet, Elaine!

  7. You've entered a whole new drama into your story and I like it. The guy she's with seems to be full of bull-having trouble saying what he means. Really?

  8. O_o interesting twist re the mystery man watching them! Enjoyed the excerpt...

  9. Sometimes we all have trouble articulating our feelings, I love it when characters do too ... especially when they realize it! Great snippet!

  10. I like it when men occasionally use cliché lines. Great snippet. :)

  11. Flirting about the moon. Very romantic.

  12. A mysterious watcher with plans... that's never good!

  13. I want to know who's watching them. :)

  14. Damn the paparazzi. And what did he mean really hum.... lol

  15. I'm also curious to know exactly who's watching them. I hope it's not her fiancé.

  16. Nice snippet. The image of the moon really acts as an anchor to keep the reader in the scene.

  17. I smell trouble from this man. I think a bombshell or rude wake up call, a bite in the ass maybe, is going to happen soon.
