Saturday, August 15, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:,

So far in my excerpts from Return Engagement my hero and heroine met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. They find that all of their old feelings are still there even though she's engaged to another man. They've gone to a carnival together, and now they're walking back down the beach to their cars. He just gave her his jacket to wear and said he liked the idea of her wearing his clothes, like in high school. To end at the place I need to, I'd done a little creative punctuation.

The chilly wind that blew across the moon-drenched water snatched Elizabeth’s laughter away. “Who cares; sometimes it’s nice to be as irresponsible as a teenager.”

Richard tugged on her hand. “Let’s sit down and watch the moon awhile.”

Elizabeth willingly sank into the damp sand and cuddled close beside him; my gosh, the man had muscles she hadn’t known even existed!

“Richard, about this evening...”

“Elizabeth, about Alex...”

“You go first,” Elizabeth urged. Her shoulders marginally 
relaxed. She wasn’t looking forward to telling him she couldn’t see him again. 

Return Engagement is available at Amazon and at Whiskey Creek Press.


  1. After spending the evening with him, I kind of understand that she's hesitant, but it might be for the better ....

  2. Don't stop there! I'm dying to know what he's going to say!

  3. Hum, is she going to tell him that? Or is she going to cancel her engagement?

  4. Ah, that's a difficult thing to tell anyone. These two seem so engaging in this snippet.

  5. I loved the way you described the scene. And, this conversation is headed somewhere important. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm with Paula---I hope he has some dirt on Alex!

    And muscles are good . . . :D

  7. That is going to be a tough conversation. I feel for them both.

  8. He'll say, I know your fiance is a mass murderer OR. . .Something else super important to change their lives. Curtain closed. Tune in next week. Beautiful scene, Elaine.

  9. You mean, she still doesn't want to be with him?

  10. Even though she wants to be with him I'm glad she's awake to her moral duty to break this off before she betrays her fiance. I know this is the man for her, but she has to get out of her engagement with honor.

  11. I don't think he'll be quietly sent away. The question is--does he know something that will make her stay?

  12. I think it's too late for that. Great snippet, Elaine.

  13. Oh, Elizabeth, give UP! You will see him again. And again. I'm sure! Enjoyed the excerpt, could really visualize the moonlight, nice touch.

  14. She's beating a dead horse in fighting the urge to see him again . . . or so I fathom :-) Love this story. I Google Plussed :-)

  15. Sad face. I get the feeling he isn't going to give up and go away though, not with that kind of chemistry between them. He'll find a way to win her around. No matter how persistent or stubborn she is about it. Seriously, like Veronica said: give up, Elizabeth! Follow your heart!

  16. She's trying to do the honorable thing but I think that is really a lost cause - however if he convinces her it isn't necessary to be so honorable... Very intriguing.

  17. Such sweet agony. :-) I wonder about the mom and the fiance. What's the deal? :-)Good snippet, Elaine. :-)

  18. :-( The heart knows what it knows. Sounds like a great story.

  19. ... and here it comes! You've managed to capture both the moment and the reality of the situation (fiancee) at the same time.
