Saturday, August 29, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:,

So far in my excerpts from Return Engagement my hero and heroine met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. They find that all of their old feelings are still there even though she's engaged to another man. They've gone to a carnival together, and now they're walking back down the beach to their cars. He just gave her his jacket to wear and said he liked the idea of her wearing his clothes, like in high school.  They sat down on the sand to watch the moon, and both of them spoke at once. Elizabeth told him to speak first, and he told her she didn't really love her fiancĂ© or she wouldn't have been flirting with and kissing him

Elizabeth moaned and hid her face in her hands. Richard expected this surprise meeting to lead to something more than a hot dog on the beach, a casual meeting between two old...friends. I’ve done enough damage for one evening; I’m going home before I cause any more trouble. I’ve betrayed Alex and given Richard hope for a relationship with me when there is no hope.

She tried to jump up, but Richard grabbed her and held her close. “The wind is cold, and you can think just as well, no better, in my arms.”

Elizabeth gave up the effort to get away from him. There was no way she could argue with those hard, muscled arms. “Yeah, right, being in your arms clarifies everything!"

Return Engagement is available at and at 


  1. I betting she can't think at all in his arms. :) Sweet snippet. :)

  2. I love that last line: “Yeah, right, being in your arms clarifies everything!"

  3. Torn between the old lover and her latest. The horns of a dilemma What happens next, Elaine? This is a hot cliff hanger.

  4. LOL! Oh goodness, she's got it bad, hasn't she? That's good for us!

  5. I'm out of patience with Elizabeth, frankly ;) She is SO kidding herself here....but that's the power of the snippets you've given us - I'm REALLY engaged, so great work!

  6. I love how being in his arms removes the need for clarity, too.

  7. Somehow I don't think she's trying very hard.

  8. He's not fighting fair for sure. But I don't think she really wants to win...

  9. Darn man for clouding judgement. Good snippet!

  10. I'm sure she needs a bit more clarity. Tough situation!

  11. Just to help with all of that confusion, hard muscled arms... sigh.

  12. he's got a point ... not. another interesting scene!

  13. I get the feeling she's trying to say that last line rather sarcastically and completely failed as coming off sarcastic. Oh when is she just going to accept he's right?

  14. Gave up the effort to get away, eh? That's pretty telling in and of itself. I like how this whole thing came together...
