Sunday, August 9, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:,

So far in my excerpts from Return Engagement my hero and heroine met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. They find that all of their old feelings are still there even though she's engaged to another man. They've gone to a carnival together, and now they're walking back down the beach to their cars. He just told her he was having trouble saying the things he really meant to say. To end at the place I need to, I'd done a little creative punctuation.

Elizabeth laughed. “Maybe it’s because you’re trying too hard, but for the record, I think you’re doing just fine.” She shivered and hunched her shoulders as she hugged herself. “That wind is cold.”

Richard immediately removed his jacket and handed it to her. “Here, put this on.”

“Won’t you be cold?”

“I’m fine; I’ve got on long sleeves and that’s enough.” His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. “In fact, I kind of like the idea of you wearing my clothes; sounds like high school, huh?” 


  1. Far more intimate than high school, I'm guessing, but still a caring gesture. :)

    I love their interactions, Elaine.

  2. I like it! Really enjoyed the snippet and these two characters.

  3. Sweet gesture. (And now she'll have to return the jacket.) (And what will her fiance say?) (And did I miss finding out who the guy was from the last snippet? Weren't they being followed or am I confused?)

  4. Great interaction between the pair. Also, I adore your cover.

  5. I bet he'd rather she removed, rather than donned, clothes...but that's the male POV.

  6. Just a simply warm and comfortable exchange; the fact that they seem so comfortable with each other is nice and lets us in on their true feelings.

    As PT Wyant asked though, weren't they being followed, has anything come of that?

  7. I think that is very intimate, wearing his jacket <3 He seems to think so too. Wonderful snippet!

  8. Awe, brought back memories. Wearing the boyfriend's clothes. :-)

    Good snippet, Elaine. I really want to see where this goes. :-)

  9. Men stay warm better, it's a mass/surface area ratio thing. She needs that jacket more.

  10. Awwww, that's a cute last line. I like it. Sweet snippet.

    But as a few others said: What happened to the mystery guy that followed them!? Or did he slip away and he'll come back later? I'm dying to know now.

  11. Sweet of him. I like how he brings up the past, reminding her how they once were together.

  12. Classic image there-- the sharing of the jacket. Your story is shaping up nicely, Elaine.
