Wednesday, September 9, 2015


by Robyn Roze


GENRE: Romance/Mystery/Suspense



Kat James likes her men in suits, not cowboy boots. Is it time for a different kind of man?

Saddle up for a story filled with passion, mystery, unrequited love, and family drama. Can Tucker Williams prove he's the best man for Kat? Or will an old-flame win her back?

It won't matter, if Kat doesn't survive her family’s dangerous secret.


She hadn’t been prepared for the heavy-handed smack to her face that dropped her on all fours and blurred her vision. Leveraged on the coffee table, Kat reoriented her balance, cheek throbbing, the taste of iron on her tongue. She steadied herself to meet her brother’s furious stare. She dabbed at the warm blood pooled at the corner of her mouth while her eyes roamed the pristine white canvas of his starched business shirt, the narrow silk tie hanging perfectly straight. She swirled and centered the metal flavor in her mouth, then launched the red spray at him. He jumped back in obvious disgust, gawking at the contamination splattered on his custom-tailored shirt. His eyes, filled with loathing, flicked back to her, her sentence easy to read in them.

But he still hadn’t used the gun …

“If you haven’t already killed Kyle, you will.” The words, hard to think let alone speak, stuck in her throat. She swallowed the knot of emotion. “So I’m not negotiating with you. And you won’t use me to bring anyone else here. This is between you and me. And if these are my final hours, then they’re happening on my terms, not yours.”

Courage propelled her to take a step toward him.

The bewilderment on his face at her bold move empowered her. “I will make this messy. And I will make sure it all points back to you. This will not go according to your plan.” She paused. Her jaw ticked, and her lips turned up at one corner. “It will go according to mine.”

(HellKat by Robyn Roze, copyright 2015)

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Robyn Roze lives amongst the cornfields of the Midwest and telecommutes as an accountant. Writing was a childhood dream of Robyn’s. She won creative writing awards as a girl and teachers encouraged her to pursue a writing career. But pragmatism won out, and she boxed the dream away on the maybe-someday shelf.

Maybe-someday came for Robyn in 2013 when she published the Keeper Series, a new adult romantic suspense story. Then she shifted gears and decided to pen a novel with a much more mature cast—Chain of Title was born, her bestselling title. Readers have been loud in their demand for a sequel, and Robyn is currently working on the next chapter of Shayna and Sean's love story. And her latest book, HellKat, released in June 2015. All of Robyn’s stories contain one key element that her readers love: a strong, independent heroine.

When she’s not spending time with her fictional families, she loves to spend time with her real one: her high school sweetheart, their two moody teenagers, and a pampered rescue mutt.

HellKat Buy Link:

Amazon Author Page:





The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon/B&N gift certificate to one lucky reader. Use the rafflecopter link below to enter.

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  1. Thanks for hosting! Readers, the book is on sale for only $0.99 on Amazon!!

  2. Thank you for hosting HellKat! I hope your readers will take advantage of the Kindle Countdown Deal going on right now! :)
