Friday, September 11, 2015

Her Hometown Redemption

If you came for Fashionista Friday, scroll on down, but why not enjoy this post first?

Her Hometown Redemption
by Rachel Brimble



When Tanya Todd returns to Templeton Cove, she knows better than to expect a warm welcome. She burned a few bridges on her way out of town, and making amends won't be easy. First on her list is the man whose heart she carelessly shattered, Liam Browne.

Seeing the successful criminal lawyer after all these years, Tanya is interested in more than just Liam's forgiveness. As they work together to bring the man who hurt her sister to justice, the attraction between them sizzles. Suddenly Tanya's second chance could include a future with Liam…if she can prove she's changed.


Hitching her bag onto her shoulder, Tanya pulled back her shoulders and approached Liam, trepidation ricocheting through her. What choice did she have but to talk to him? If she walked out without a word, things would only be harder the next time they met––and there would most definitely be a next time. There was always a next time in a place as small as Templeton.

His shoulders straightened beneath his crisp, white shirt as she neared. The music seemed to grow in volume, the beat matching her footsteps and the banging of her heart. When she was a safe distance away from him, Tanya stopped. “Hi.”

His crystal blue gaze bored into hers, his jaw tight and his mouth a thin line. The burning stares of the other patrons pricked at her skin, making her want to turn and face each of them down.

When it was clear Liam had nothing to say to her, Tanya inhaled. “Right, well, I guess I’ll see you around then.”


She halted with her back to him. Let me go, Liam. Please. She briefly closed her eyes, before opening them and facing him. “What?”

“Why don’t you join me?” He waved toward the empty seat at his table. “It’s…good to see you.”

Tanya glanced at the seat, at him and then around the restaurant. Familiar faces swam in front of her. Faces she remembered from a different life, a different time. Kevin and Nick. Bianca and Ella. All people she should’ve known would still be here. People who thought they knew her and her mother, but never really knew or understood them at all.

Author Interview:

1.What's the best and worst part of being an author?

For me…

Best part is the second draft – I tend to write my books from beginning to end without looking back so when the first draft is done, it means I can spend the following drafts, polishing, correcting, deleting…and hopefully, improving!

2.Which book of yours is your favorite? Why?

I will always have a special place in my heart for my first Harlequin Templeton Cove book, Finding Justice, because that was the one that took me the next step from where I began writing for small presses. As a rule though, my favorite books are the ones I’m promoting. I love that all the hard work is done and now I get to share my latest project with readers all over the world.

3.What are your favorite authors in the genre that you write?

Nora Roberts is my favorite for romantic suspense, Jill Shalvis for mainstream romance and Jean Fullerton for Victorian romance.

4.Which of your characters is most like you?

Ooh, that’s a tough one! I can honestly say there is a bit of me in all my characters, male, female, young or old. I think every writer puts a little of themselves in every character without really being aware of it. The things they say, how they react, their hopes and wishes, all come from part of who we are. I think so, at least.

My Review: 

Everyone has things in their past that they regret, things they'd give anything to change, but not everyone gets the chance to make amends and change the lives of people they know and love. Tanya Todd is one of the lucky ones. After an absence of seven years, she returns to Templeton Cove with an ambitious agenda.

First, she wants to find the man who abused her sister and bring him to justice, and second, she wants to make up for the w she treated years earlier when she was blinded by ambition, arrogance, and her mother. She'd especially like to earn the forgiveness of Liam Browne. They were engaged seven years ago, and she left him without a word, only a note stuck under his door.

Liam doesn't trust her, but will that change as Tanya makes her home in Templeton Cove? 

This was a nice romance. I liked both of the main characters, especially the heroine who had so many regrets to overcome. Both the hero and heroine were likable and I wanted things to turn out well for them. 

The author painted a beautiful picture of life in a seaside resort town in England. I wouldn't mind visiting a place like that myself, but I don't want to run into some of the things that happened in the story.

It's a nice read with an ending that I liked. I can recommend it to you without reservation.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Rachel lives with her husband and two teenage daughters in a small town near Bath in the UK. After having several novels published by small US presses, she secured agent representation in 2011. In 2012, she sold two books to Harlequin Superromance and a further three in 2013. She also writes Victorian romance for Kensington--her debut was released in April 2013, followed by a second in January 2014 and the third is released Jan 2015.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and Romance Writers of America, and was selected to mentor the Superromance finalist of So You Think You Can Write 2014 contest. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find Rachel with her head in a book or walking the beautiful English countryside with her family. Her dream place to live is Bourton-on-the-Water in South West England.

She likes nothing more than connecting and chatting with her readers and fellow romance writers. Rachel would love to hear from you!

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Buy Links:

The author is giving away a $25 gift certificate to one randomly drawn person. Use the Rafflecopter link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning! Thanks for hosting me today & for such a great review! I look forward to chatting with your visitors :)

  2. Congratulations Rachel on the new release.

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity

  3. Thanks, Sandy! Good luck in the contest :)

  4. Really great post! I enjoyed reading it, especially the interview :)

  5. Thanks so much for coming, Rachel. I enjoyed the book very much.

  6. Thanks for having me! I've really enjoyed being here :)
