Saturday, September 19, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:

So far in my excerpts from Return Engagement my hero and heroine met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. They find that all of their old feelings are still there even though she's engaged to another man. They've gone to a carnival together, and now they're walking back down the beach to their cars. He just gave her his jacket to wear and said he liked the idea of her wearing his clothes, like in high school.  They sat down on the sand to watch the moon, and both of them spoke at once. Elizabeth told him to speak first, and he told her she didn't really love her fiancĂ© or she wouldn't have been flirting with and kissing him. Elizabeth just told him she can't stand it if he walks away again, and he tells her that it's taken 10 years, but they're back where they belong: together.

“Let me help you make up your mind about what you want to do.” Richard pushed her back into the sand and kissed her, a delicate brushing of lips that deepened as hearts caught fire. 

Elizabeth imagined she could feel the thudding of his heart against her own and shivered against him. She didn’t really notice when his hand slipped under her blouse, but when she felt its warmth on her breast she cried aloud and shoved him away.

“I want to finish this in private,” Richard whispered, eyes blazing. “We’ve waited ten years, and we deserve this night. Ask me to go home with you.”

Burning shame scorched and seared Elizabeth. “No!” 

Find Return Engagement at www.whiskeycreekpress or


  1. A very tense scene. Can't wait for more!

  2. This is very well written Elaine. Now I'm starting to worry that she's teasing him. Good 8!

    I'm very sorry you lost your dear friend. Hugs coming to you...

  3. Too far too fast. You blew it, dude!
    Though I bet he gets a second chance.

  4. So far he's not been too good at taking no for an answer...

  5. Very intense and I agree with Ed, your hero took his feelings a BIG step too far. Well written snippet!

  6. No way, no how. You blew it, big time. Does she ride away? That's the big question.

  7. Love the line "a delicate brushing of lips that deepened as hearts caught fire", it's so wildly passionate and intense. I think she does want him but can't accept that yet, but I do hope he realizes that no matter what signs she has been giving him (and she has), NO means NO. I think she'll go running back to her fiance to try to make a go of it but that guilt will probably overwhelm her. Looking forward to reading more.

  8. He's certainly pulling out all the stops to get her to change her mind!! Her mouth may be saying no, but I doubt the rest of her is. Will he wind up with that invitation after all? Nice tension and buildup. :)

  9. You've waited ten years, what's a little longer? Take it slow, see where this, whatever this is, will go, and don't act like this is the last chance you'll have to sleep with her. Great snippet.

  10. :-) I love Ed's comment as the exact same thought went through my head when I read the snippet. I'm very curious to see how this turns out.

  11. Hmm. Nice little twist there-- it's always a good thing to put barriers in front of your characters to see what they're going to do to get around them, or not.

  12. I think he is going way to fast. They haven't seen each other in ten years. She can't possibly be risking everything for a one night stand.

  13. Oh this is torture watching her battle with her own heart! I'm with Ed as well, too far, too fast. But P.T. is also right, he doesn't take no for an answer... I just hope that doesn't create more problems... Great snippet!
