Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Under the Covers

Under the Covers
by Claire Boston


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



What if the one time you didn't want love was when you truly needed it?

Forced to flee her abusive ex, alone with no support, Elle is determined to rebuild her life and protect her five-year-old son. Not one to take the easy road, she opens a bookshop café, but opening day almost ends in disaster. In the midst of this chaos, the last thing she needs is a man as charming as George Jones getting in her way.

George has always been a sucker for a damsel in distress, and Elle ticks all the boxes. But Elle's not interested in being rescued by anyone, especially not him. She knows her taste in men can't be trusted, but fighting George's charisma is harder than she expected. And George, who is not one to ignore an itch, has found there's something about Elle that's got under his skin.

When Elle's ex turns up to cause trouble, George must overcome his boyish flirtatiousness if he's to convince Elle to trust herself and let him into her life. But can Elle put her past behind her before it overwhelms her present?


George didn’t comment and didn’t move. She’d reached out to him for the first time. Her hand was soft and warm. It was delicate – but it was strong. He covered her hand with his own, caressed it. He wanted her to know he was there for her, that he wasn’t a threat, that he would never treat her the way Dean had treated her.

Her lips parted, but she didn’t pull away.

He took her hand in his, rubbed her palm with his thumb. “You’re a strong woman.”

“I don’t feel like it.” Her voice was a little breathless and she was watching him warily, uncertain.

“You’ve raised a great kid in such difficult circumstances. I’d say that’s strong.” He let go of her hand and shuffled a little closer. She didn’t back away. “If you need help, I’m here for you.”

Elle stood then, scowling. She stalked away and then turned back to him. “Why? I don’t understand why you would possibly want to help me. I’m a mess. What’s in it for you?” She put her hands on her hips.

George raised his eyebrows, but stayed seated and replied, “I want to get to know you better. You’re a beautiful, intriguing woman.”

Elle screwed up her nose. “But I’ve told you I’m not interested. I don’t want a relationship; I don’t want a fling.”

“And yet I just can’t keep away.” He realized how ridiculous it must sound to her. “How about we agree to be friends?”


“Yes, friends. You know, people who hang out together, go to the movies, call each other to chat about their day? Friends.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Claire Boston is the best-selling author of The Texan Quartet. In 2014 she was nominated for an Australian Romance Readers Award as Favourite New Romance Author.

Her debut contemporary romance novel, What Goes on Tour caught the attention of Momentum’s Joel Naoum when her first scene was read aloud at the Romance Writers’ of Australia (RWA) conference in 2013. This led to a four book contract for The Texan Quartet series.

Claire is proactive in organising social gatherings and educational opportunities for local authors. She is an active volunteer for RWA, as a mentor for aspiring authors and the reader judge coordinator.

When Claire’s not writing she can be found in the garden attempting to grow vegetables, or racing around a vintage motocross track. If she can convince anyone to play with her, she also enjoys cards and board games.

Claire lives in Western Australia, just south of Perth, with her husband, who loves even her most annoying quirks, and her grubby, but adorable Australian bulldog.

Please email Claire with any questions

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Retailer Links

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Published Works

2014                What Goes on Tour: The Texan Quartet #1                            Momentum
2015                All that Sparkles: The Texan Quartet #2                                 Momentum
2015                Under the Covers: The Texan Quartet #3                               Momentum
2016                Into the Fire: The Texan Quartet #4                                        Momentum


Headshot & Book Covers

Claire will be awarding ebook copies of What Goes on Tour and All that Sparkles, the first two books in The Texan Quartet to two randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Use the rafflecopter link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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