Sunday, February 14, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Happy Valentine's Day and welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. Once you finish here you can find more samples at:

Here's a blurb.

 Susan English can’t stand Robin Lanford! She’s so full of herself she irritates everyone on the faculty of Fairfield High. When Robin bets Susan fifty dollars that she can’t get a date with Kurt Deveraux, the head football coach, Susan jumps at the chance to put the little heifer in her place. She had no idea that teaching Robin a lesson would irrevocably change her life, strain treasured friendships, and throw two families into chaos.

Last week Kurt had just told his friend Jason that Susan English gave him a compliment in the faculty lounge, and Jason asked him if he still thought Susan was hot, and we found out Kurt had starting seeing Aleisha Childs. Kurt speaks first.


"I like Aleisha, but Susan can put her in the shade. And before you ask, I have no idea if Aleisha and I are serious about each other.”

Jason picked up the tea pitcher and refilled Kurt’s glass. “You don’t have to tell me you like Susan’s looks. I’ve seen the way you stare at her when you think nobody’s watching. Especially her legs. You’ve always noticed a woman’s legs.”

Kurt cursed his fair skin as his face burned. “I think she’s a classy, elegant woman, and you’re right about her legs. They’re slender and about a mile long.” 

Buy link: 


  1. Love the way Jason calls him on noticing her legs.

  2. Agree with PT. I love your description of her legs-- "...slender and about a mile long." Good snippet!

  3. Hahaha ... I like the honest dialogue between the two men.

  4. So, if I were Aleisha, I'd be feeling outclassed ;-)

  5. So, if I were Aleisha, I'd be feeling outclassed ;-)

  6. Guys Always talking about a girl's something. Terrific snippet, Elaine.

  7. Men. Sheesh! And I bet they go ALL the way up! Nice job, Elaine.

  8. Really enjoying the guy talk here!

  9. Oh ho! There's hope for Susan's cause. Great snippet, Elaine. :)

  10. A very realistic-sounding conversation so far! Interesting excerpt...

  11. Jason knows him well enough to know he's leg man, eh? You've set the stage well for a complicated but satisfying romance. BTW, I forgot to sign up this week, but my snippet is here

  12. Susan has a chance to put the old heifer in her place it looks like after all! Love the description of his blush. Nice snippet.

  13. Well, I hope they're not serious, if he's comparing her to another woman like that!

  14. Ah, men. :-) As if we women don't say the same things about men. Or other women for that matter. LOL...I always feel bad for the women who aren't taken seriously though (as Aleisha is here), unless of course that's how she wants it. Relationship dynamics are hard. *runs and hides under her wife*

  15. Yep, your guy talk is spot on! This is such a fun story. :-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  16. I think it is wonderful that he got a little embarrassed. Great snippet. :)

  17. Oh my, his attraction for her is so physical. I guess they are about on the same page.
