Saturday, February 27, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:

I've skipped a few paragraphs from last Sunday. Kurt is about to lose his football game when he gets a surprise interruption.

Shoulders tense with excitement, Kurt jumped when a hand tapped his back. He spun around and snarled at the boy who stood there. “What do you want? Can’t you see I’m busy?”

The boy flinched, but he held his ground. “Miss English said to give you this and for you to look at it before the next play.”

“Who passes notes at a time like this? What does she think this is, study hall?” He crumpled the note, intending to fling it to the ground, but at the last moment something changed his mind, and he

unfolded the paper the boy had handed him. His jaw dropped when he saw the football play Susan had sketched out; Try this, he read. I think it will work. 

Susan English can’t stand Robin Lanford! She’s so full of herself she irritates everyone on the faculty of Fairfield High. When Robin bets Susan fifty dollars that she can’t get a date with Kurt Deveraux, the head football coach, Susan jumps at the chance to put the little heifer in her place. She had no idea that teaching Robin a lesson would irrevocably change her life, strain treasured friendships, and throw two families into chaos.

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  1. Now THIS is how you get the attention of a football coach!

  2. I've heard of armchair quarterbacks, but a bleacher seat coach? Nice move!

  3. Haha! I like it. This twist in the story where she's about to save his hide frm a losing season! Nice!

  4. Made me smile, and that's always a good sign from a reader. Enjoyed it!

  5. That's the best way to a man's heart- the winning play! Nice twist.

  6. Yay, a woman with the answer. A way to his heart. Elaine, you've done it again after all the weeks of waiting.

  7. Love this story! I wonder if Nick Saban's wife ever sends plays down to him. Roll Tide! ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  8. I hope for her sake the play she's sending in works! Never saw that coming, nice twist. Great snippet!

  9. Bwahahahaha! Love that he's interested at least. Great snippet, Elaine. :)

  10. Well, that will get his attention. Great snippet!

  11. He's got a bit of a temper, doesn't he?

  12. I don't care how intense the game was, I didn't care for the way he snapped at the boy. I'm glad he was so surprised at the content of the note. Hopefully he will be a bit more humble now. This snippet gives a great insight into the character and that's not a bad thing, he's real and far from perfect.

  13. Is she meddling with the Football match? That sounds dangerous but so fun.

  14. Bwahahaha! Now that is a priceless move! Stun the coach speechless by giving a grade A football move by his reaction. Nice one! I like that.
