Sunday, April 10, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, you chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you are finished here, you can find more snippets at:

Last week we saw that Susan won her bet. Kurt called and invited her to go to a party with him. I'm skipping several paragraphs and picking up when Susan calls her friend Melissa to tell her about Kurt's invitation. Melissa speaks first.

"I saw how you were watching him last night; I think you liked what you saw.”

Susan rolled her eyes even though Melissa couldn’t see. “Of course, I did. What’s not to like? Kurt’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“I noticed. Whew, this conversation could get out of hand. Behave now, you hear?”

“He invited me to a party for goodness sake.” Susan absently stroked Samson who had jumped up on the table. “The worst that can happen is we won’t have a good time together.” 

Susan English can’t stand Robin Lanford! She’s so full of herself she irritates everyone on the faculty of Fairfield High. When Robin bets Susan fifty dollars that she can’t get a date with Kurt Deveraux, the head football coach, Susan jumps at the chance to put the little heifer in her place. She had no idea that teaching Robin a lesson would irrevocably change her life, strain treasured friendships, and throw two families into chaos.

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  1. "The worst thing that can happen..." Uh oh! Famous last words. :-)

  2. I'm not sure that's the worst that can happen. There is a possibly jealous girlfriend coming up and I'm sure Robin will also be around somewhere.

  3. Apparently she hasn't been to a party in a very long time...there's *plenty* else that go wrong...heh.

  4. I like her practical approach. Good snippet, Elaine. :)

  5. Dangerous thing to say, "worst thing that could happen" - I can foresee far worse things in her future, especially if she's being wilfully blind...

  6. Ooh, I'm looking forward to that party! I have the feeling she's grossly underestimating the potential for what could happen. ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  7. Jealous girlfriend awaits in the wings. Good snippet.

  8. Yes, I'm sure nothing will do wrong!

  9. Uh oh, as soon as a character starts talking about the worst thing that can happen, you just know they're wrong and in for a rough time! But of course as the reader, I can't wait to find out! Great snippet...

  10. I agree with Teresa!
    Great way to get us expecting disaster.

  11. I agree with Teresa!
    Great way to get us expecting disaster.

  12. I love the way she's acting like it's no big deal, and in a way I suppose that to her it isn't -- it's all about winning the bet.

  13. Oh, I suspect that you'll come up with far worse ... or better ... things than not enjoying the party.

  14. I can't wait to read what happens at the party.

  15. Somehow I think there are worse things than having a bad time. What can go wrong, will go wrong, in the words of Murphy. Ought to be an interesting date.

  16. Well, she has won--but I suspect there will be problems from a poor loser in the future!

  17. The worst that can happen! Well, we'll see about that :-)

  18. She hasn't been on many dates if she thinks that that is the worst that could happen. :)

  19. Oh there are many more "worst thing that can happen"... I hope nothing bad will happen to her date.

  20. "The worst that can happen..." Well, you jinxed yourself already, Susan. She better brace herself for I have a feeling she is going to be in for it.
