Saturday, May 7, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you've finished here, you can find more excerpts at:

Last week my hero went to my heroine's house to pick her up. Susan won her bet with Robin when Kurt asked her to go to a party with him. Last week he couldn't stop staring at her, and today we are still in his POV. We see a little more of Kurt's character in this excerpt. He really cares for his students.

Susan rose from the sofa and took her jacket off the back of a chair. My oh my, what a view! Her entire outfit fit so snugly it might have been painted on, but it didn’t look off color or suggestive. Instead, the jeans and sweater looked elegant and classic, just like Susan herself.

A look of chagrin crossed her face when she turned back around. “I think I’ve been a bad hostess. Would you like a drink before we go, or should we be on our way?”

“I don’t really drink. I guess you think it’s corny, but I want to set a good example for the kids.” 

Susan English can’t stand Robin Lanford! She’s so full of herself she irritates everyone on the faculty of Fairfield High. When Robin bets Susan fifty dollars that she can’t get a date with Kurt Deveraux, the head football coach, Susan jumps at the chance to put the little heifer in her place. She had no idea that teaching Robin a lesson would irrevocably change her life, strain treasured friendships, and throw two families into chaos.

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Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. Enjoy these virtual flowers. They're here in your honor.


  1. Could he be more appealing? Wanting to set a good example for the kids, seems like an all round good guy.

  2. She's a teacher herself -- of course she won't think it's corny. She'll think it's adorable, instead.

  3. Aw, he sounds like such a great guy!

  4. Love the story and thanks for the gorgeous flowers. You write so well.

  5. I think he's wise. And I'm so glad she won the bet, but if he finds out, that'll be rough. Great snippet, Elaine. :)

  6. It's great he wants to set a good example.

  7. They seem sort of perfect for each other. At the same time, he could have drunk some tea or a soda.

  8. Teachers aren't saints, though we like to pretend we are. :-) Good to know that he is, though!

  9. Nice moment, humanizes both of them with a deft touch. Great snippet!

  10. Fun stuff...but given his reflections on Susan's figure, I don't imagine he's as much a saint as everyone here thinks.

  11. He's rather sweet to try to set a good example for their students. Not sure if it reaches them, kids being kids, but nice that he tries.

  12. Thanks for the beautiful flowers! That cover is sure familiar. I've been tweeting it like crazy in AHA! Great snippet. I think the guy has some admirable standards, but I'm glad to see he's still human enough to notice her figure though.

  13. Aww, what a great guy, and a great snippet!

  14. Great description. Love that he wants to be a good example for the students.

  15. Love the flowers! I like that he has principles, but I also know the old saying about "best laid plans." ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  16. Damn this guy has a lot of heart and devotion to this job. Great snippet and look into his pysch by that admittance.

  17. Oh i like him. not corny at all!

  18. Being light drinkers, an evening of drinking would cause serious trouble. :-)
