Sunday, July 10, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here, you can find more snippets at :

We know that Susan won her bet when Kurt asked her to go with him to a party. Today they have just arrived at the party where Kurt is joking around with their host and leads him to believe that he and Susan are involved. Susan took Kurt to task, and he got out of trouble by asking her to dance. When the dance ended they had some punch that Kurt warned her had tequila in it, but unfortunately Susan doesn't believe him. They are dancing after both of them have had quite a bit too much tequila. Kurt speaks first. Susan just told his not to hold her so closely.

“Why shouldn’t I be so close? I like holdin’ you.”

“Because of the way you make me feel,” Susan giggled. “I can’t stop laughing.”

“I don’ see a problem.”

When the dance ended, people started to leave. She glanced at her watch. How odd. She couldn’t see it very well. “It’s late, Kurt, and I hafta go to church ah...tomorrow.” 

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  1. Hmmm, I don't think she is oging to be up to church tomorrow...

    cute snippet, very beleivable

  2. How late is it? And how much did she have to drink?

  3. :-) I've heard it called a lot of things--but never "church". ;-) Good story, Elaine!

  4. I hope they have an afternoon mass. If this goes where it seems to be heading, she might have something to confess, too!

  5. Delightful! She finally took a drink or ten and settled in.

  6. Sweet dialogue, though I wonder how the rest of the scene will progress. Also... wow, she is drunk!! ;)

  7. Love you you convey her inebriation, Elaine.
    Getting to church tomorrow is going to be a problem!

  8. Love you you convey her inebriation, Elaine.
    Getting to church tomorrow is going to be a problem!

  9. Oh dear, this is getting worse and worse for them! But fascinating to read, great snippet.

  10. Ugh, I hate having to go to church after too much tequila. Why yes, I know what that's like, and you've conveyed it very well!


  11. Tequila? Packs a heavy punch that drink. And the evening is not over yet... Good snippet.

  12. Who doesn't believe punch would be spiked? I don't know about that... Hopefully church doesn't start too early the next day and she can sleep it off (when she realizes what's going on that is!)

  13. Strange how her watch got fuzzy... Church bells are going to ring loudly and far too soon I'll wager.

  14. I think she should have believed him when he told her the punch was spiked. LOL. Just how late is it? And I love that she thinks about church the next day, it's a nice contrast to the party and what kind of girl she normally is. I do wish to see how Kurt answers that though and what he does next.

  15. She's going to have quite a hangover at church. Might as well sleep in.

  16. Wow, what is happening to her? I'm not sure she'll make it to church. Can she even make it home?

  17. Well she is ummm more than tipsy. Church tomorrow might be a hard thing to do.
