Sunday, July 17, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here, you can find more snippets at :

We know that Susan won her bet when Kurt asked her to go with him to a party. Today they have just arrived at the party where Kurt is joking around with their host and leads him to believe that he and Susan are involved. Susan took Kurt to task, and he got out of trouble by asking her to dance. When the dance ended they had some punch that Kurt warned her had tequila in it, but unfortunately Susan doesn't believe him. They are dancing after both of them have had quite a bit too much tequila. Kurt speaks first. Susan just told him it's time to go. Kurt speaks first.

“Let’s say bye to Jose.”

Mendoza stood at the door saying goodbye to his departing guests. Just as they reached him and his wife, Kurt stumbled. He fell against Susan and sprawled onto a bale of hay covered with a clean tarp.
Mendoza hauled him to his feet. “I don’t think you should be driving tonight, Kurt. Maybe you had a little too much tequila.”

“I’ll drive,” Susan said with a bright smile.

“I think you don’t need to drive either,” Mendoza demurred. “Let us put you up for the night.” 

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  1. Yeah. I don't think she needs to drive either. Good for him for stopping them.

  2. They're heading for trouble, but it's better than crashing the car.

  3. it starts. I think you did a great job of writing a plausible reason things went as they did, Elaine!

  4. This is a wise host. I wonder where they'll snuggle- I mean, where he'll put them up? ;-)

  5. Yep, that's a totally believable (and responsible) reason for throwing them into bed together! ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  6. Well good, at least they aren't driving anywhere! Sensible snippet....

  7. One on one works when you've had too much beverage. Funny snippet.


  8. So now the opportunity arises. I wonder though whether the tequila might prevent any action though? Looking forward to seeing the result.

  9. Great hosts. More people need to be this way when hosting get togethers. I think the couple is a little too tipsy for anything to happen. Great snippet.

  10. Yes, maybe neither of you need to operate a vehicle...

  11. I love the name Mendoza! So interesting. I have a feeling they are going to be staying the night as this host doesn't seem like the type to take no for an answer, which is good. But these two... Together all night... After a bit of alcohol... Hmm... LOL!

  12. This twist is rife with possibilities!

  13. Yup. Nobody seems to be in the right mind to drive. Wonder what this will lead to though...

  14. Ah, lots of interesting twists here! Nice snippet.

  15. Oh - oh ... i have a feeling where this is heading ... nice one!
