Saturday, July 30, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here, you can find more snippets at:

Susan English can’t stand Robin Lanford! She’s so full of herself she irritates everyone on the faculty of Fairfield High. When Robin bets Susan fifty dollars that she can’t get a date with Kurt Deveraux, the head football coach, Susan jumps at the chance to put the little heifer in her place. She had no idea that teaching Robin a lesson would irrevocably change her life, strain treasured friendships, and throw two families into chaos.

We know that Susan won her bet with Robin when Kurt asked her to go to a party with him. At the party they drank too much tequila and ended up staying the night with their host. There's only one bed. Susan speaks first.


“You’d better hurry when you get undressed; It’s cold in here.”

He turned his back to her and removed his shirt, shoes, and jeans, a process Susan watched with interest. “Golly, you’ve got great shoulders! I it when we danced together.”

Kurt slid into the bed beside her. “You’re shivering.”

“I’m freezin’. The room doesn’t have any heat.” 

“Scoot close to me and get warm,” he urged. 

If you're interested in the book, you can get it at Amazon at


  1. Oh, I'm sure he's going to get her warm!

  2. Delightful. They are like a couple of kids instead of teachers.

  3. Oh boy, this is going to escalate quickly, methinks. ;)

  4. Oh my, quite the situation! These two have really gotten themselves into a fix. Great snippet.


  5. Of course he is going to make her warm! It's hard to resist when events are so compelling - only one bed, cold weather, too much drink. Good snippet.

  6. They have no choice but to snuggle, truly! Love it.

  7. Well, if it's for body heat... :)

  8. She defintely interested in the comfort of his warm body... and nothing else I am sure ;)

    Definitely looking forward to "whatever" comes next.

  9. I can make a few guesses about the sort of things that might happen next.

  10. Oh I can see it now... This is going to spiral into a night of spur of the moment decisions real quick! The no heat in the room is a nice touch to get things moving. LOL.

  11. Perfect set-up for a lovely night ahead. Nice snippet.

  12. Scoot over to get warm leads to other things.

  13. Let's see. Two people with little to no clothing and more than enough to drink snuggling together to get warm. Nope. No chance of anything else happening here.

  14. Ah, the old "I'll keep you warm" trick! Never fails. ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  15. Lol. Elaine, what more can I add? (Necessity rules?) Except that it is an excellent snippet as usual.

  16. Lol. Elaine, what more can I add? (Necessity rules?) Except that it is an excellent snippet as usual.
