Saturday, September 17, 2016

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:

In last week's excerpt we learned that Rocky a WWE type wrestler learned to play the bagpipes for the crowd before the match began. Today they're on their way to the ring.

Excerpt: (A bit of creative punctuation here so I could get in what I needed to today.)

Rocky grabbed the pipes, and Aimee followed him down the long, gray hall that ran from the dressing room to the wrestling ring. She could hear Cade McCoy, Rocky’s opponent, taunting the audience. Boos, hisses, and jeers punctuated everything he said.

As they appeared in the doorway leading into the arena, speakers blasted Rocky’s theme song as the announcer roared, “Ladies and gentlemen, Rocky Stone is in the building!”

Spotlights blinded Aimee when they hit her; Rocky gave her a masterful kiss as dry ice sent fog roiling around them. With Rocky striding out in front, she and Thin Lips Rich followed, waving to the crowd and clapping the entire time. Rich spread the ropes apart for her and Rocky to enter the ring.

She strutted around, throwing kisses and motioning for the audience to stand up. The crowd went crazy when a wild swirl of bagpipe music filled the arena; They loved Rocky’s show. Clapping in unison, they cheered, “Rock-y. Rock-y. Rock-y.” 


Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancĂ© into the witness protection pro-gram would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new online business, life in the country is anything but boring.

If you like what you've read, you can get a copy at


  1. So that's what she did before Witness Protection. Good snippet, Elaine. :)

  2. Quite the flamboyant entrance! It seems rather typical of wrestling, although I know almost nothing about about it beyond the stereotypes.

  3. That's spot on for professional wrestling! Great job.

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  4. Great snippet! After that entrance I want to watch the combat!

  5. Sounds like fun, loved all the description! Terrific excerpt!

  6. Great description. Sounds like quite a show.

  7. Great scene-setting. I felt like I was there!

  8. That's quite a look into her personality. At the same time, it raises questions. Nice job.

  9. It does seem to fit quite well with wrestling mania. :-) The bigger the spectacle, the better.

  10. Great imagery! I can certainly picture it perfectly! I guess the bagpipes were a great idea. I know she doesn't seem too thrilled about his wrestling, so I'm surprised she goes out in the arena with him like that.

  11. They're engaged, Daelyn, and Aimee is super loyal.

  12. Love the entrance and the chanting. I could picture it perfectly.
