Thursday, September 22, 2016


by Jacinta Maree


GENRE: Dystopian New Adult



Welcome to Soulless.
We are the generation that laughs at death.

Reincarnation; what was once considered a gift of immortality has become an eternity of nightmares.

Nadia Richards lives in a world plagued by reincarnation, a system of recycling souls where all past memories, personalities and traumatic events are relived daily in disjointed sequences. Trapped within their own warped realities, not even the richest and most powerful are saved from their own minds unraveling. Madness is the new human nature, and civilizations are crumpling beneath themselves trying to outrun it. 

Within a society that ignores death, Nadia appears to be the one exception to the reincarnation trap. Born without any reincarnated memories and with printless eyes, the hot tempered 19 year old quickly becomes the ultimate prize to all those wishing to end the vicious cycle, or for some, to ensure they could evade death forever.

Readers discretion: Adult language, violence and some adult scenes. For mature audiences only.



His top lip curled, as it always did in his half smile. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“About what?”

In his hands, he fiddled with the hunting knife. “You.” He twisted the blade and flicked out, clearing the dirt under his nails. “You were going to leave me. You said it was better this way, for the both of us.” The rasp of his accusing voice felt like a guillotine above my neck.

I uncomfortably shuffled back but didn’t speak.

“You were right. Your life without me would be better. Easier. Safer.” Every word strained from his lips as though he was pushing air from the pit of his stomach. My eyes widened and my heart picked up speed. Diesel lightly shook his head. “But this isn’t about making things easier. You’re with me now and you won’t leave no matter how hard it gets.”

“That’s not for you to decide,” I said with a cringe.

“Because if you leave me—”

With an anguished sign, I turned my head away. “Let me guess, you’ll always find me? And if I try to run you will break my legs and chop off my fingers and remove my eyes-”

“No. If you leave me, I will vanish… and I don’t want to vanish, Nadia.”

Surprised, my jaw went slack. Without even blinking, Diesel stilled his fumbling and tightened his stare, looking at me in a way I felt penetrated to my very core.

“You don’t know what it’s like living in this hell. I’m drowning under black water and I can never surface. You remember what it feels like to have your body shut down only to wake up not knowing which reality is real. It would’ve been easier to fade into a drifter, to stop the fight all together and just crumple into the purest of insanities. In my darkest moments I almost allowed it to happen, but then I met you. The girl with no reincarnated memories. The one without a soul imprint. It’s you, and only you, who can save me. But then you came into my room with that story about how everything would be better if we were separated. You left me tied to a bed, and for hours I thought I had lost you. Do you know how that feels? To have everything you’ve ever wanted just walk out? I came to realise just how dangerous you are to me. Just how easily you can break me in half. That’s why I can’t let you leave.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in Melbourne Australia, Jacinta Maree considers herself a chocoholic with an obsession with dragons, video gaming and Japan. She writes a variety of genres including YA paranormal, steampunk, horror, new adult, dystopian and fantasy. Winner of 2014 Horror of the year and bestselling author, Jacinta writes to bring enjoyment to others while fulfilling her own need to explore the weird and the impossible.

You can find her here:

Deviant art:


Amazon buy link:

Soulless buy link at BN -- and it's only $0.99 on Nook and Kindle: 

Book two, Soul Finder is available: 



One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card. Use the link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What are you currently reading?

  2. Enjoyed the excerpt. Sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  3. Oh wow! The excerpt is awesome! This is definitely a must read.

  4. I love this excerpt, thanks for sharing :)

  5. Sounds intriguing!


  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm sorry I'm unable to do individual replies so I'm just going to answer everyone in the one post.

    Clogo9372, I am currently reading The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and have finished the Winner's Curse series. Absolutely loved that series.

    Thank you Marcy, Rita, Christy, Victoria and Trix for your comments and support. I really, really appreciate it. :D Best of luck with the competition, and if you do end up picking up Soulless and / or Soul Finder, I really hope you enjoy it.

    And thank you for being a part of the tour - I am so grateful for your help. :D Keep up the amazing work.

  7. If you could be any leading character from a bestselling book, who would you be and why?

  8. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  9. Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
    I'm really intrigued by the blurb and excerpt for this story. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Sounds like a great read, hope I'll have a chance to read it soon!
