Monday, January 2, 2017

Review: The Sage Stone Prophecy

The Sage Stone Prophecy
by N.S. Wikarski


GENRE: Adventure, Mystery



Where do you hide a mysterious artifact that could change the course of history? You scatter clues to its whereabouts across the entire planet. Five objects buried beneath the rubble of lost civilizations point to the hiding place of the fabled Sage Stone. A secret society and a fanatical religious cult vie against one another in a global treasure hunt to claim the prize. The Arkana wants to preserve it for posterity. The Blessed Nephilim wants to exploit it to create a terrifying new world order. Only one faction can win. More importantly, only one can survive.



Alma Jones slowly eased the SUV over the causeway at Cahill’s Crossing.

Cassie gulped. She leaned out her window to gauge the height of the water. Even though the tires were only submerged about half a foot, the current was swift. She didn’t want to imagine crossing this land bridge with a flash flood racing under the wheels.

“You told us to look out for salties,” Daniel said, barely above a whisper. “What’s a saltie?”

“Good goddess, man!” Griffin’s tone was exasperated. “None of us want to know that!”

“There’s one.” Alma inclined her head to the right, both hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.

Her three passengers scanned the water on the driver’s side.

“Please tell me that’s a tree trunk floating out there,” the Pythia implored.

“No,” Alma demurred. “It’s a saltwater crocodile. Saltie for short though they don’t spend much time in salt water. They prefer watering holes—billagongs as we call them. The males can run six meters in length.”

“Translation?” Cassie turned toward Griffin.

“Six meters would be roughly twenty feet.” As an aside to the others, he explained, “She’s taken a firm stand against the metric system.”

“Freshies or freshwater crocodiles are much smaller and they eat fish not humans,” Alma added. “The salties are the ones to watch out for. Your American alligators are nearly as big but they aren’t always looking for a fight. Salties are natural-born brawlers.”

“Has anybody died at Cahill’s Crossing?” Daniel asked.

“Yet another fact we don’t want to know,” the Scrivener grumbled.

My Review:
 The Sage Stone Prophecy is full of conflict. Nothing less than the future of the entire world is at stake. The villains are dreadful, the heroes brave and daring. The book presents a daunting puzzle to solve, and it must be solved or the consequences are catastrophic. In fact, I got mad at the bad guys which is something I usually don't do, but Abraham ticked me off a lot. The author got me invested in the characters which is something every writer should do.

This is book 7 in a series, and if you've missed the other books you might need the character guide at the front. It's nice to have it because it clarifies the characters if you need it.

I enjoyed the book, and if you like adventure and mystery this is a good book for you. I give it 4 stars and a recommendation.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

"There's a 52% chance that the next Dan Brown will be a woman ... or should we just make that 100% now?"
--Kindle Nation Daily

Nancy Wikarski is a fugitive from academia. After earning her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, she became a computer consultant and then turned to mystery and historical fiction writing. She is a member of Mystery Writers of America, the Society Of Midland Authors, and has served as vice president of Sisters In Crime - Twin Cities and on the programming board of the Chicago chapter. Her short stories have appeared in Futures Magazine and DIME Anthology, while her book reviews have been featured in Murder: Past Tense and Deadly Pleasures.
She has written the Gilded Age Mystery series set in 1890s Chicago. Titles include The Fall Of White City (2002) and Shrouded In Thought (2005). The series has received People's Choice Award nominations for Best First Novel and Best Historical as well as a Lovey Award for Best Traditional Amateur Sleuth.

Her seven-book Arkana Archaeology Mystery Series is a #1 Amazon Bestseller. Titles include The Granite Key (2011), The Mountain Mother Cipher (2011), The Dragon’s Wing Enigma (2012), Riddle Of The Diamond Dove (2013), Into The Jaws Of The Lion (2014), Secrets Of The Serpent’s Heart (2015), and The Sage Stone Prophecy (2016).



The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Thank you for hosting and for that wonderful review of my work.

  3. This is a response to Rita. Glad you liked the snippet which takes place in Australia. This book in the series is all over the map - quite literally.

  4. Great review! Sounds like a book I'll enjoy reading, thanks for sharing :)

  5. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)
