Sunday, January 15, 2017

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at

We saw that after the wrestling match started, Cade hit Rocky with a chair, and Rocky didn't get up. We also saw that in the ambulance he asked if it was safe to sit up, and at that point Aimee slapped him. The driver told Aimee there was no call to hit him because it wasn't his fault. Aimee doesn't think Dave (the driver) and Rocky understand the seriousness of their position. (They ticked off drug dealers and have to fake Rocky's death so he can enter the witness protection program.) At the hospital Aimee is told that Rocky is dead which of course he isn't. I'm skipping a few paragraphs and moving to Rocky's fake funeral where Aimee confronts two important characters, Cade McCoy and Gabe Porter. We met Cade who supposedly killed Rocky in the first scene, and at the funeral he spoke to Aimee and told her he'll never go back in the ring again. Today, we'll continue with Aimee's meeting with Gabe Porter.


“I hesitated to come here, even though I did want to pay my respects. Some people in LAWA think I was involved in Brady’s drug ring.”

Aimee swallowed hard. “Surely not. No one will blame you for what your brother did.”

Her heart pounded, her blood raced. She still remembered what good ole Dave the marshal had said. ‘The trial is over so there’s no reason to fear you’re going to testify against them, not that you knew anything anyway, but if Rocky is alive they might hurt you to get back at him. That’s another reason why he has to fake his death.’

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  1. No one would suspect he had anything to do with it. Yeah, right.

  2. I hope she still isn't in danger! She needs to get this whole funeral business over with quickly.

  3. Aimee is in a scary place. I wonder if this guy is sending her a message about future danger? Such an interesting story here!

  4. Complex fascinating story here, Elaine. Couldn't reach you last week. Missed you.

  5. Wow, such a complicated situation. I hope she is safe there.


  6. It's tough, having to pretend that someone is dead, and then move into a whole new life. Interesting story.

  7. This is just the first of many awkward moments involving the fake deaths.

  8. They say if 3 people know a secret, it's okay if 2 are dead. The more people who know Rocky is alive, the more danger he and his family/friends will be in. Sure hope Aimee will be okay.

  9. Her situation is getting more and more complex. Where's it going to lead? Can't wait to find out.

  10. Complicated situation. Advice would be good.

  11. Her life is just all kinds of complicated--I think she should simplify it by walking away from that man!

  12. Elaine I love romantic comedies. They don't get enough movie treatment, but some of the Hallmark offerings are suitable facsimiles. I think yours could easily be more than that. I hope to begin on WWW this week, so I will be back for more.

  13. I wouldn't say she's in the clear yet, so this is good for her to know. :)

  14. It sounds as if someone might suspect him. I hate that he has to go into hiding though. :(

  15. I can't imagine having to fake your own death and becoming someone new, with no connect to anyone from before, like friends and family. Awful!

  16. Oh I think she better tread lightly here, or this is going to get ugly real fast!
