Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday Sample: Fortuna

Welcome to Saturday Sample. We've learned that Rocky bought some property in West Virginia. Aimee agrees to come to West Virginia even though the witness protection people told her not to have contact with him for months. Aimee's car broke down, and to her surprise Cade McCoy comes down the road riding a big horse. He by chance moved into the same neighborhood as Rocky and agrees to take her to Rocky's house.  

Last Week

“I intended to get the door finished before you got here,” Rocky said as he sprang to his feet. He threw his arms around Cade and pounded him on the back. “June told me you’d bought a horse farm just down the road. I meant to get over to see you, but I’ve been busy with architects and construction people and didn’t make it.

Cade stared at the rooms visible from the wide, central foyer. “Yeah, I can see you have a lot to do.”

“Right you are,” Rocky enthused. “This place has so much potential.” He blinked. “Er, if mutual friends come to visit, remember not to tell them about me. We want everyone to think I’m sitting on a cloud teaching wrestling moves to the angels.”

Cade’s eyes cut to June and slid away.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about June. She’s a friend,” Rocky assured him, beaming at June like she had offered him a prime wrestling gig.

This Week

Aimee took deep breaths to calm herself. If Rocky didn’t take this witness protection thing seriously he’d get both of them into major trouble. She shivered. The last thing she wanted to do was explain this deception to Gabe Porter. He would not be amused.

Rocky grabbed her hand before she could scold. “Let me show you the house, hon. It’s just incredible. I can’t believe how lucky I was to find it.” He beamed at June. “Thanks to you I didn’t buy that tacky McMansion for sale on the other side of town.”

Aimee’s teeth ground together.

Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancĂ© into the witness protection pro-gram would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new online business, life in the country is anything but boring.

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1 comment:

  1. He's in another world and she's in big trouble. You paint a terrific picture here.
