Sunday, April 2, 2017

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at

We know so far that Rocky ticked off drug dealers and had to fake his death so he can enter the witness protection program. Rocky called Aimee even though he wasn't supposed to and told her he'd bought a house for them. Aimee has car trouble and is worried about how she'll get to Rocky's home. She's nervous about being stranded on a deserted road too. A man who knows her name comes riding down the road on a horse and speaks to her. It's Cade McCoy, the man who helped Rocky fake his death so he can enter the witness protection program.  I've skipped some paragraphs where Cade and Aimee talk about how there's only one realtor in town, and she was the one who sold Rocky's house to him. Cell phones don't work in that place so Cade offered Aimee a lift on his horse. Today they reach Fortuna.

 “There it is,” Cade said as they rounded a big curve in the narrow road. “Your new home.”

Aimee peered around him and gasped. “No! Not even Rocky would buy that.”

Weeds and overgrown boxwood covered the windows of a two-story house made of white clapboards. Well, it had probably once been white, but now it was a dirty, dingy gray with a few strips of peeling paint here and there. A front porch, which looked like someone had tacked it on as an afterthought, ran the length of the house and had fallen away from the main structure. To enter the front door you’d have to use a makeshift set of steps made from stacked concrete blocks. Aimee tilted her head; This stupid pile of rotten boards is leaning

Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancĂ© into the witness protection pro-gram would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new online business, life in the country is anything but boring.

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  1. But just imagine what a great deal he got on the place, right?

  2. A renovator's dream house. I'm surprised she didn't turn and go back. :-)

  3. I know it's terrible for her but I also think it's hilarious. I'm still wondering what she is doing with Rocky, seriously he doesn't seem like she is ever going to see something good enough in him.

  4. Get rid of the bozo and move on, girl. That's my advice.

  5. Oh that is not good! But you paint a wonderfully detailed picture of the awful place for us - great snippet...

  6. Great imagery. I can see why she'd be a bit put out.
    I bet she's thinking it's this close to being a haunted house. lol

  7. I'm not surprised she's annoyed. Lol.

  8. Oh dear, not a good start for Aimee. At all!

  9. Oh dear, not a good start for Aimee. At all!

  10. Why should she have expected any different from Rocky? I suspect it's hero to the rescue.

  11. It's a fixer-upper! Or a falling-downer, the jury is still out on that one.


  12. I bet she wishes she was back in Los Angeles. I think her marriage is on very teetering steps. Great descriptions.


  13. I bet she wishes she was back in Los Angeles. I think her marriage is on very teetering steps. Great descriptions.

  14. That does sound like a fixer-upper for sure! Wonderful description--I'd be worried about termites, tetanus, or falling through the floor.

  15. Ugh, and he probably thinks it's just fine! Looking forward to their reunion. :-)

  16. Ouch. I hope it doesn't come crashing down (like so many other things)

  17. Safety hazard much? Also, Ed's comment made me laugh out loud. :D

  18. She's looking at things all wrong. I love remodeling. That house sounds amazing. :)
