Sunday, April 30, 2017

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at

We know so far that Rocky ticked off drug dealers and had to fake his death so he can enter the witness protection program. Rocky called Aimee even though he wasn't supposed to and told her he'd bought a house for them. Aimee has car trouble and is worried about how she'll get to Rocky's home. She's nervous about being stranded on a deserted road too. A man who knows her name comes riding down the road on a horse and speaks to her. It's Cade McCoy, the man who helped Rocky fake his death so he can enter the witness protection program.  I've skipped some paragraphs where Cade and Aimee talk about how there's only one realtor in town, and she was the one who sold Rocky's house to him. Cell phones don't work in that place so Cade offered Aimee a lift on his horse. Today they reach Fortuna. I've skipped a few paragrahs where Cade tells Aimee that a big red truck belongs to Rocky, and a small Volkswagen belongs to the local realtor June. When they try to enter the house the door falls to the floor. Cade introduced Aimee to June whom Aimee found rather odd in appearance..


She (Aimee) scrambled to her feet, brushed her jeans off, and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Aimee Sherwood.”

June briefly touched her hand. “June Rochester.”

Ice water trickled through Aimee’s veins. She had given June her real name. Of course, she hadn’t officially entered the witness protection program yet. She could explain her presence in this town by saying she was visiting Cade. Still, there was no use in taking chances.
She glanced at Rocky, who didn’t look upset at all, and that was strange since he was the main one Gabe would be gunning for.

Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancĂ© into the witness protection program would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new online business, life in the country is anything but boring.

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  1. Oops. Hope she won't regret the mistake, but it must be hard to all of a sudden pretend to be someone else.

  2. Lots of questions here, like why Rocky isn't upset that she used her real name and why June doesn't seem to have actually shaken her hand.

  3. Hmm...what were June and Rocky up to that they seem to be distracted??? :-) Intrigue. :-)

  4. She's too rattled to maintain the lie. This bodes ill for her ability to stay in the witness protection program long term.

  5. June and Rocky were up to no good. I beg you, get her out of there!

  6. Uh oh. Loose lips sinks ships, or in the W.P.P. - get you killed.

  7. June's response is odd, and Rocky just seems much too easygoing for someone newly in witness protection!

  8. Harder than it looks to be in Witness Protection and remember everything, I guess. Interesting her odd reaction to the woman...intriguing though! Great snippet.

  9. Interesting that no one seemed to react to her slip of the tongue. Good snippet, Elaine. :)

  10. Hmmm, either Rocky is dumb as a box of rocks (I believe we already decided he is) or June is more than meets the eye. Nice tease, Elaine.

  11. uhoh. I think she might have trouble pretending not to be herself. Hope she's safe.

  12. Hopefully, that doesn't bite her in the butt. Great excerpt. :)
