Sunday, July 2, 2017

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. My new release Flood is now available for purchase. The buy link is at the end of the post, and I'm starting with the Prologue.

Find more lovely samples at:

Drawn together by their love of animals, Aria De Luca and Caleb Hawkins burn for each other. They never suspected that malignant forces around them were successfully plotting Caleb’s ruin from the moment he entered her life. When the flood of a century strikes Aria’s hometown, an alienated Caleb is all that stands between her and catastrophic loss.

Last Week:
“This is serious,” Aria insisted even though she did smile at Lila’s teasing. She tossed her tissue into the trashcan. “The Department of Corrections partners with community organizations to place model convicts in out- of-prison job settings. It’s supposed to let the convicts learn a skill they can use when they’re released.” 

“That’s no reason to cry.” Lila blinked. “Uh, we aren’t getting one, are we? Not that I dislike convicts, but still... Come to think of it, I don’t know anyone who’s been inprison. Besides, I bet your dad wouldn’t like it at all if you started staffing the clinic with criminals.” 

Aria snickered. “No, we aren’t getting a convict, but one of the big animal shelters in Pine City has several. Listen to this. They took in an abuse case, an adult dog that nobody but one of their convicts could reach.” She sniffed. “Since the dog isn’t especially friendly or pretty, nobody wants to adopt it. It’s scheduled to be put down on Friday unless someone steps up for it, and guess who’d have to walk the dog to the killing room?”

“The convict?”



  1. Oh, that just seems wrong. But probably no one else wants that job either. :(

  2. No wonder she was crying. That's heartbreaking.

  3. Oh that's sad in so many ways. I hope the e-con or someone else suitable will adopt the poor dog! An effective snippet....

  4. You've set up a heart-wrenching irony.

  5. Here comes sadness and serious trouble. I picture the convict and dog escaping to a better life.

  6. Aww, this made me sad! Great snippet though :)

  7. Oh wow...that just tears at my heart. I agree with Ed. If that isn't what's in the book--it should be. :-D

  8. That is not right! How terrible... It's terrible no matter who does it, but this is extra tragic. :(

  9. NO!!!!! Poor guy and dog. :( :( :(
