Thursday, September 28, 2017

Book Review: Cushion

by Tamela Miles


GENRE:   Paranormal Romance



Natalie Kliebert finally has the perfect life she spent years dreaming of. She's on the fast track to her fantasy-come-true career as a therapist. If she can help pop star Billy Chambers, it will be her greatest achievement and even sweeter than earning an "A" grade.

The last thing Billy Chambers wants is anyone's help, especially when he doesn't see a single thing wrong with his life. When bossy Natalie becomes his court-appointed personal therapist, sparks fly from day one. Annoyance was never so arousing. Hooking up should be easy, but an undercurrent of evil is coming for Natalie, which may force her to reveal her deepest secret.

The problems of their pasts are no match for today's demons. Natalie and Billy must come together and be the allies they were meant to be in a supernatural fight that may cost them their lives.



Natalie shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so. You recognize you have a problem, and that’s a great start for our work together, but your mistake lies in thinking you can, and should, conquer this on your own. If you think I’m wrong, prove it to me.”  

He gave her an assessing look. “Prove it? How?”

She placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head slightly. “Empty your pockets.”

Billy had a sinking feeling and closed his eyes for a moment. “What? Why?” Her expression never changed, and he knew she had him beat. For the moment, anyway. He slowly reached into his shorts pocket, pulling out his wallet and cell phone.

She showed him no mercy, as he had fully expected. “Now, the other pocket, please.”

He reached into his other pocket and slowly pulled out a silver flask full of vodka that he kept on him most of the day. Before he could say a word in his defense, she snatched the small, silver container and emptied the liquor onto the sand.

“Hey! What the hell—”

Natalie turned and handed the flask back to him. “You won’t be needing that while we’re working together, and if I do my job, you won’t need it after. This has to be a collaboration between the two of us, and keeping you from drinking is the first step to making sure you’re totally on board.”

My Review:

What if you were an overweight young woman, and the guy who had your heart called you cushion? Heartbreaking, isn't it? But what if you had a second chance at life? A do over. Would you also have a second chance with him?

That's what happens to Natalie Kliebert. In this paranormal romance she has a second chance at life as a therapist, and it's her job to help Billy Chambers beat alcoholism. He doesn't remember her, but at the same time he's very drawn to her.

The only problem with this scenario is that when Natalie got her second chance, a demon started to stalk her. Together she and Billy will work to defeat defeat the monster and save both their lives and future.

If you like paranormal romance you should like this book. I'd give it four stars.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tamela Miles is a California State University San Bernardino School Psychologist graduate student with a Bachelor of Science degree in Child Development and a former flight attendant. She grew up in Altadena, California in that tumultuous time known as the 1980s. She now resides with her family in the Inland Empire, CA. She's a horror/paranormal romance writer mainly because it feels so good having her characters do bad things and, later, pondering what makes them so bad and why they can never seem to change their wicked ways. 

She enjoy emails from people who like her work. In fact, she loves emails. She can be contacted at or her Facebook page, Tamela Miles Books. She also welcomes reader reviews and enjoys the feedback from people who love to read as much as she does. 

"Cushion", a spooky and steamy paranormal romance novella, is coming late summer 2017 from Ms. Miles and The Wild Rose Press. 

She is the author of the popular paranormal romance thrillers, the Hell On Heels series from the Wild Rose Press.  For those who are already fans of the series (yippee!), please feel free to check out the author's soundtrack playlist for Hell On Heels on, listed as Hell On Heels: Songs from the Edge by Tamela Miles.

Buy Links:



Tamela Miles will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  2. Thanks so much for hosting me and for your wonderful book review! I'm happy that you all like the excerpt. Good luck to all on the giveaway. : )

  3. I am now a new fan of Tamela Miles. Thank you for the intro. (

  4. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Looking forward to checking out this book!

  5. Congrats on this four star review and thanks so much for sharing the excerpt, author bio and giveaway!

  6. Happy Friday! I hope that you've enjoyed your book tour. Thanks so much for sharing your words with us. Have a great weekend!
