Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday Sample: Flood

Welcome to Saturday Sample. We'll continue with out excerpts from Flood. I hope you're enjoying them because I really enjoyed writing the book. Flood was reviewed by RomCon Reviews. They gave it 5 stars, and in part they said,  It's the kind of story that stays with you because of the intensity of the circumstances and you remember the characters. You can read the rest of the review here .

Drawn together by their love of animals, Aria De Luca and Caleb Hawkins burn for each other. They never suspected that malignant forces around them were successfully plotting Caleb’s ruin from the moment he entered her life. When the flood of a century strikes Aria’s hometown, an alienated Caleb is all that stands between her and catastrophic loss.

Last Week:

Lila pursed her lips. “What did Caleb do to get himself a prison sentence?”

“Stole a car.”
“That’s grand theft auto,” Lila said.

Aria giggled. “Stop borrowing terms from your 
favorite crime show. Seriously, though, how long will Caleb be in prison?”

The receptionist sighed. “Another eighteen months. Caleb’s a nice guy. He made a mistake, but we all think he’s paid his debt to society. The director already told him if he wanted a job at the shelter once he was free, it wouldn’t be any problem.” 

She laid her hand on Aria’s arm, her eyes wide and intense. “You know what Caleb did?” 

Aria shook her head. 

“The director told him he didn’t have to come to work on Friday if he didn’t want to. That’s the day Peaches was scheduled to be put down, but he said he had to be here. He said he couldn’t leave her to die alone. He wanted to hold her and comfort her until her soul went free.” 

This week:

Aria’s lip quivered. Blinking away the mist in her eyes, she pulled a card out of her pocket and handed it to the receptionist. “Please give my card to Caleb. If he wants to email me, I’ll be glad to keep him updated about how Peaches is doing.” 

Beside her, Lila sniffed.

The receptionist, who was obviously a hugger, leaned over and hugged Aria again. “You’re a wonderful woman, Dr. De Luca. Only a person with a heart of gold would do what you’re doing for Peaches. Maybe you can help her learn to trust again.”

“What happened to her?” Lila asked. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Peaches has backstory of her own. I look forward to hearing what it is.
