Thursday, September 28, 2017

That Was Then, This Is Now

Hello. I’m Excited. This is one of my stops for the Virtual Book Tour That Was Then, This Is Now, This Broken Vessel Restored. This virtual book tour is organized by Write Now Literary Book Tours. This tour runs September 28, 2017.  Follow the tour here.  Book your own tour here WNL

Genre: Christian Non Fiction

Kindle ASIN: B073VCY1L5

About the Author

In addition to being an award winning

author of Completely Whole and

Secret Places Revealed, Paulette is an inspirational speaker, as well as a writing workshop instructor.

Her literary works have been

spotlighted in a growing number of 

publications, including CBN, Real 

Life Real Faith Magazine, The Sacramento Observer and Black Pearls Magazine. 

She has also appeared on numerous local and online radio shows.
Paulette is also the owner of Write Now Literary Book Tours. She resides in Northern California.

                     About The Book



If you've recently asked yourself these 

questions, Paulette Harper's That Was 

Then, This is Now has the answers. 
Struggling to recover from a broken 
marriage and disappointed dreams, 
Paulette Harper gropes for meaning and understanding. And through her searching, God reveals Himself to her in ways she never before imagined possible. By sharing her struggles with transparency, she illustrates how a heart attitude of surrender allows God to use a broken vessel for His ultimate plans of glory.

That Was Then, This is Now, minsters to hurting hearts in every 

season in life, reminding them that God restores shattered lives, 

intent on using them for His sovereign purposes.

A Word From the Author

Here are her five suggestions on learning how to live a happier life.

1. Accepting that sometimes the “Why” will never get answered.  When we can accept that many times we won’t be able to change the outcome and accept what has happened, and realized that it happened for a purpose and rest in that, we are better prepared to handle all experiences. 

2. There is no easy way out. Many times we want to escape the bad experiences by not dealing with them head on, but that won’t solve anything. Stop for a moment, look at the situation and make the necessary changes that are required to be more empowered.

3. Realize that God is in control. Our lives are totally in the hands of someone who knows how all things will pan out. Trust Him in every situation, knowing that He will guide you as you look to Him for help.

4. Forgive yourself and others.  In life people will hurt us. That includes family, spouses, children, and parents.  As you forgive others for their trespasses, God will forgive you of yours.

5. Pray that God will show you what it is He is trying to teach you.  Allow this opportunity to let God reveal to you what lessons are to be learned. Treat each experience as a great opportunity to grow and mature.

Purchase Links

Amazon paperback

Connect Socially
Amazon Author Page
Tour hosted by Write Now Literary 

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