Sunday, October 22, 2017

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, you chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at

We'll continue with out excerpts from Flood. I hope you're enjoying them because I really enjoyed writing the book. Before we get to the except, let me share an Amazon 5 star review with you. I was very pleased with it.

If you love animals and romance, this is the book for you. Aria is a caring veterinarian and Caleb is a former convict who ends up working for her. The romance has a nice, steady build, not too much at once. You can see how these people really fall for each other. I love how protective Caleb is and how Aria believes in him. The flood adds a tense, exciting element to the climax. I definitely recommend this book!

Drawn together by their love of animals, Aria De Luca and Caleb Hawkins burn for each other. They never suspected that malignant forces around them were successfully plotting Caleb’s ruin from the moment he entered her life. When the flood of a century strikes Aria’s hometown, an alienated Caleb is all that stands between her and catastrophic loss.

Last Week:
The hospital was located in a relatively rural area with freshly plowed fields just waiting for the weather to warm up enough to plant. Pale green fuzz decorated most of the trees and gave the promise of shade once the leaves grew a little more. 
“Want me to wait?” Roach asked as he stopped in front of the animal hospital. 

“No, thanks; I saw a motel not a mile from St. Francis so I'll stay there for the night."

He paused for a moment to look the place over. The hospital was set in a grove of oak trees that would provide shade in the summertime and let the sun in during the winter months. The building was made of concrete blocks that had been painted dark green; it had white shutters and a white door. Someone had added window boxes and filled them with spring flowers in shades of pink, red, and yellow. A curvy walkway made of small gravel led from the parking lot to the front door. All in all it looked like a nice place, a place where the doctor and her staff cared about the animals entrusted to them. 

This week: 

He drew a deep breath of the fresh air and noted that for the past three years he’d mostly missed out on the beauty of the springtime. From his cell he hadn’t been able to see even a sliver of the sky. The Department of Corrections initiative that had let him work at the animal clinic had been a lifesaver for him. If not for that escape from his cell, he had no idea what would have become of him, but he suspected it wouldn’t have been anything good. He loathed being cooped up and always had.

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. A big, yellow dog with floppy ears was following a slender, dark-haired woman from behind the building. Eagerness filled him. Peaches. The dog was Peaches. 


  1. His sense of relief and homecoming shines through loud and clear. Good job.

  2. This snippet is rich with possibilities. He's found Peaches!

  3. I like his sense of attachment to the dog...another excellent excerpt!

  4. Wonderful review! Congratulations!
    That first paragraph packs in a lot of info about Caleb. Good job!

  5. Awwww! I can't wait for their reunion!

  6. Oh, I'm anticipating their reunion too, I'm loving these snippets and I really like how much he cares for this dear dog!

  7. What a peaceful, hopeful moment--and then, just at the right time, the dog he's looking for. Can't wait until Peaches spots him, too!

  8. Can't wait for the next snippet where Peaches meets him. Will I need tissues? You are leading up to their reunion slowly enough to savor.
