Monday, November 20, 2017

If I Want You

If I Want You
by Rachel Brimble


GENRE:   Romantic Suspense



When local journalist, Tori Peterson, fails to prevent a child abduction outside her niece’s school, her horror and guilt sparks a vow to do whatever it takes to get little Abby Brady home to her parents.

While Tori battles the vile memories of her own kidnapping as a child, she accepts the help of widowed father, Mark Bolton. As he and Tori join forces with the local police, their attraction and intimacy grows…along with their fears for Abby.

Links are uncovered between Abby’s disappearance and Tori’s kidnapping, and Tori is forced to accept the monster who held her captive is back. But this time, Tori is all grown up, and there is no way she will let him hurt another little girl.



It wasn’t the just the smell of fresh air and sandalwood that alerted Tori to the fact Mark had joined them. It was the way his shadow fell over her as though covering her body with his wide, deep and potentially dangerous protectiveness.

She didn’t bother to look at him...even though her Cally was seriously looking. Tori lifted her hand in a half-hearted wave. “Take a seat, superhero.”

“I will.” He sat beside her. “Thank you.”

Every now and then, when she was alone at home, she’d picked up a book. And every now and then, Tori would toss the book across the room whenever she read the words, “the air crackled between them.” Well, whatever instantly plagued the atmosphere between her and Mark as she forced her gaze to his, she was loath to call it crackling. Maybe humming… screaming… burning… but definitely not crackling.

She swallowed. “What are you doing here?”

“Olivia’s staying at a friend’s. I was at a loose end.”

Despite her best efforts to fight her smile, it was ruthless and broke through her barriers like they were made of sugar paper. “Loose end, my ass. You were no doubt pacing around the house and doing everything you could not to get in the car and go get her.”

He smiled and put a glass on the table. “Merlot, right?”

A Word From the Author:

1.Did you always want to be an author?

Not that I realised it at the time, but I’ve wanted to be an author since I was eight or nine. I fell in love with Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven series and started writing stories of my own, bound together with ribbon. As I got older, I thought the only ‘real’ writing job was journalism so decided, at age 11, I’d be a journalist. Life soon took a different turn and I worked in a bank for 10 years before having a ‘now or never’ moment when my youngest daughter started school. The rest is history!

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.

My first book was accepted by the Wild Rose Press and published in 2007 – Searching For Sophie is a romantic suspense story, inspired by my husband being adopted. I had been reading romantic suspense for years before I put pen to paper so knew the genre of story I wanted to write and this story literally wrote itself. I tried several UK publishers with no luck and then a friend suggested the Wild Rose Press. I loved working with them so much that I now have three novels and two novellas with them, including my latest release IF I WANT YOU.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre in which you write?

As well as romantic suspense, I also write mainstream romance and historical romance so have favorite authors across the sub-genres. My favorite author of mainstream romance is Jill Shalvis, my favorite of romantic suspense is Nora Roberts and my favorite of historical romance is Elizabeth Hoyt.

They pen truly wonderful stories and if your visitors haven’t read them yet…DO IT TODAY!!

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worse?

The best part is receiving lovely emails from readers and, of course, those fabulous 5 star reviews from reviewers and bloggers! Also, NOTHING beats receiving a box of your brand new books in the mail – I am currently writing my twenty-third novel and that never, ever, gets old.

The worse thing, apart from the incessant self-doubt, is (for me, at least) the plotting. I am an avid plotter and do all that I can before I start the actual writing in the hope I stay on track. My books usually come in around the 80,000 word mark and, inevitably, I reach around 40,000 words and things start to go wrong.

Problems usually arise when a character decides to do something I hadn’t planned for – my husband thinks I’m crazy when I moan to him about this particular problem. However, my writer friends completely understand!

5.What projects are you working on now?

I am currently polishing the final draft of a new romantic suspense that I hope will be the start of a new series, as well as starting to write a new Edwardian romance. I am super excited about this one right now and truly believe (so far!), it’s my best work to date. Fingers crossed, an editor will think the same when I come to submit, lol!

Next release is A Stranger In The Cove (Harlequin) and I am so excited! This is the final instalment in my Templeton Cove series (all books can be read stand-alone) and I really hope I’ve delivered a satisfying ending for the many devoted fans of this small UK seaside town.

A Stranger In The Cove releases Jan 1st 2018 and is available for pre-order right now – here’s the link:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Rachel lives with her husband and two teenage daughters in a small town near Bath in the UK. After having several novels published by small US presses, she secured agent representation in 2011. Since 2013, she has had seven books published by Harlequin Superromance (Templeton Cove Stories) and an eighth coming in Feb 2018. She also has four Victorian romances with eKensington/Lyrical Press.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and Romance Writers of America, and was selected to mentor the Superromance finalist of So You Think You Can Write 2014 contest. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find Rachel with her head in a book or walking the beautiful English countryside with her family. Her dream place to live is Bourton-on-the-Water in South West England.

She likes nothing more than connecting and chatting with her readers and fellow romance writers. Rachel would love to hear from you!

Amazon Author Page:



Rachel Brimble will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi, thanks for having me here today! I'm looking forward to chatting with your visitors :D

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Congrats on the book and the tour! This sounds like my kind of read.

  4. Great interview, I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel. The book sounds great.

  6. This book is "my cup of tea", looking forward to reading it!

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