Sunday, January 21, 2018

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you are finished here you can find more snippets at: or at

Today we come to the end of Chapter 1 in Flood. If you've enjoyed the book you can find it at Also, recommend it to a friend.

Last Week:
“He did. His name is Caleb Hawkins. You should have seen Peaches. When she saw him, she ran across the yard and knocked him over.” 

“Did he look like a dangerous man?” 

“No, Mama, he didn’t. In fact, I hired him to fill in for Melissa.” 

“Then I want to meet him. Invite him to co me to dinner tomorrow night.” 

Aria giggled. "Do you want me to come too, or do you just want Caleb?

This week:  

“Hmm. Let me think. If he’s cute maybe he should come alone.” She laughed. “Of course I meant you too.” 
“That’s good. Daddy probably wouldn’t like it if yotook up with another man.” 

They made their arrangements, and Aria went back to work. Her patients wouldn’t wait all day. Even then, she could hear Mr. Simms’ Siamese cat howling like a soul in torment. 


  1. Haha, her mom is so cute! Looking forward to meeting her in person.

  2. Nice little vignette and I'm with Christina in that I can't wait to meet her mother! Enjoyed the snippet...

  3. Love the last bit of dialogue in this snippet. Nice job.

  4. Enjoying the relationship between her and her mother!

  5. Well that last sentence coaxed a grin out of me! :-) lol

    Great snippet, Elaine!

  6. I really like her mother! Great snippet, and I've said it before but it bears repetition - this is a sweet and exciting read - romance and animals, a great combination!

  7. Cute banter with her mother. I'll bet dinner will be real interesting.

    I forgot to sign up in time, but I did post.

  8. Her relationship with her mom is adorable. Then right back down to earth with the cat. I can hear the noise that Siamese is making--it's the same one my cats make at the vet's!
