Monday, May 21, 2018

Biblical Proportions

Biblical Proportions
by Natashia Brewer


GENRE:   Fiction



Edward and James Shaw are twins who are successful executives at Rock Star Records.  The company that was started and operated by their father, Irvin, who is a well-known hip hop artist.  Edward has a great love for music and is focused on ensuring the success of the business, just like his dad.  James on the other hand has a great love for women and power.
Unfortunately, they were blindsided by the challenges of life which were of biblical proportions.  Edward found himself in the struggle of his life to save his marriage and his career after there had been some horrible choices made, while James found himself fighting for his freedom.

The only way for them to find their way through the drama, infidelity, damaged trust, addiction, meaningless sex, and betrayal was to build a solid relationship with God.  When Edward and James hit rock bottom mentally and emotionally, they found out who they were and what the Lord called them to do.  They both began to walk into their purpose realizing that although the storms came one after another, after another and almost took them out; they survived through the grace of God…

Take this journey with Edward and James and the rest of the Shaw family as they endure the many trials and tribulations of this life.



Cynthia could not resist that man of hers.  So, she grabbed his hands and stood in front of him.  He pulled her close, embraced her, and placed his forehead upon hers.  He began to pray over him and his wife.  

“Dear Lord, hear my pleas.  I lift my heart to you today.  I ask that you give Cynthia and me strength to make the right decisions. I ask that you show me how to love her through the pain that I have inflicted upon her.  I ask that you open her heart to receive and forgive.  I ask that you heal the deep wounds that have been created because of poor choices.  I decree and declare that our marriage will be made whole again.  I ask these things in Jesus name.  Amen!”  Edward prayed.

Cynthia was full of emotions as Edward gently lifted her face and kissed her quivering lips.  The peck quickly turned into something that neither of them thought it would be.  

Life Lesson Two:  Ignoring an issue will not make it disappear.  You must become grounded in the word so that you will have the strength to endure the storm.

A Word From the Author

1.Did you always want to be an author?

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.
  • The publication of my first book Love Song was pretty straight forward being as though I am a self-published author.  Both of my books are self-published.  The book that came out of 5/11 is title Biblical Proportions. I think self-publishing makes the process of getting your books accessible to potential readers; however, it takes a significant amount of work to promote the book to get sales.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?
  • I have quite a few authors that I like in my genre.  I enjoy reading the work of many up and coming authors like myself. One of those authors that come to mind is Madison Love – check her out.

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?
  • The best part of being an author - I love the freedom it gives me to express me deepest thoughts and share the messages/inspiration with the world. I write to have a positive impact of the world.  It is important, very important to me.  
  • The worst part of being an author – there are so many things that you must do that has nothing to do with creating.  You must put in a ton of hours and leg work to get noticed, but it is worth it in the end

5.What are you working on now?
  • I am working on my next book that is titled, There Was Power in the Pain, From the Pit to the Palace.  This is the story of my life.  Stay tuned!

Thanks for having me on your blog!!!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Natashia Brewer is the established Resonation Entertainment Group in 2014.  Since the launch of her company, she has released many motivating and inspiring musical and literary projects, like:  The Infinite Love EP; Love Song the book; and Biblical Proportions.  When she isn’t creating music for upcoming projects, writing books, conducting interviews, or writing blog post, Natashia is a contributing songwriter for the charity Songs of Love, creating personalized songs for sick children.

In addition to being a published author, songwriter, and music producer, Natashia is a speaker who’s objective is to use her life’s testimony to uplift and inspire others.  Letting people know that they can change their lives if they change their minds.
Natashia is currently married with two children, she resides in Maryland. 
Twitter:  @itstashiab
Instagram:  @itstashiab
Facebook:  @itstashiab
Company Website:    

Buy Links:



Natashia Brewer will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoyed getting to know your book and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters and now my twin daughters who all love to read. We have found some amazing books for everyone. So, thank you!

  3. Thanks for hosting. What book would you like to see a prequel to? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  4. Thanks 4 sharing this book with me and congrats on the tour.
