Tuesday, May 29, 2018

His Sweetest Sin

Title: His Sweetest Sin
Author: Fiona Murphy
Genre: BBW Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 29, 2018

I can’t believe it. Christopher Baldwin, the baddest boy in baseball wants me. Amelia Bishop, I was maybe a solid seven before an accident changed my life, leaving me fat, broken, and avoiding mirrors around me. If he hadn’t said it with a stare hot enough to melt brain cells, I would never have believed him when he said my curves are what he wants.
Cocky, arrogant, tattooed, with a diamond glinting in his ear, he is no boy. He is all man and a lethally gorgeous one at that. With dimples flashing as he invites me to sin in a slow Southern drawl I’m trying to remember I don’t swoon, sin, or—wait, what? I forgot not to stare directly at his dimples, those bright blue eyes aren’t safe either. Sorry, as I was saying.
As appealing as the idea of being bad with Chris is, there is no doubt in my mind I would fail miserably at it, even under his expert tutelage. Chris is used to strippers, women who have all the right moves. Me, I have no moves, at all. Chris is major league, I would get laughed out of little league.
I’m also his lawyer, at least until my brother, Ethan, comes back from vacation. Getting involved with clients is a huge no-no, no matter what primetime television might show. As gorgeous as he is he isn’t worth the possibility of hurting my career or losing the hard-earned respect of my boss and brother.
Only I can’t deny he makes being bad sound so good. Once Ethan is back I’m no longer Chris’s lawyer and it’s open season on all my good intentions. Being with him is still dangerous, his fame attracts all sorts of trouble. Who knows what complications could tear us apart?
***While a standalone, Holly and Ethan from His Under Contract make an appearance. You need not have read His Under Contract to enjoy His Sweetest Sin. ***
I don’t like to watch sports, although I do enjoy watching beautiful men sweat. I’ve never read a sports romance before. Chris Baldwin is a man falling in love with a sassy, damaged, curvy woman and he also happens to play baseball. When I started writing, I did do my research. I watched the winning series that inspired the story. I watched a bunch of movies and spent hours on Wikipedia. Then I scrapped the paragraphs waxing lyrical about the love the game and stuck with what I know. My billionaires don’t lay out the inner workings of their deals. I figured less is more. So, please be aware the focus is not the love of the game, it’s on the love story.

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Due to commitment issues I have lived in many different cities and my favorite is Chicago but I have managed to settle into Austin and perhaps my commitment issues are behind me. 
I have enjoyed reading from a very young age and it wasn't long before the children books bored me and I read the books my mother enjoyed Stephen King and Dean Koontz and I didn't sleep without the light on until I was about ten. 
I came across my first Harlequin by accident and it was love at first read, no one died and happy endings? It was a whole new world and I loved it. 
I wrote my first story at eight and everyone died, of course. Since then I would like to think I've gotten better and now I'm writing the happily ever afters I first fell in love with, with some hot sex thrown in along the way.

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