Sunday, June 3, 2018

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

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Jenna West has no idea what she might have done to her new tenant Mike Hightower. He's surly and hateful every single time they meet, and he looks at her as though he despises her.

He does despise her. She's from the Middle East, and people like her killed his friend Ramirez when the army sent them to Iraq.

Will the power of love work its magic to soften Mike's bitter hatred, or will he ignore his growing attraction for his pretty landlady?

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This week


  1. I like his mother and I'm enjoying getting the backstory of how he ended up in the apartment. Great snippet! Very true to life conversation, I thought.

  2. Oh boy, that last line is a humdinger! I'm really liking this story.

  3. A reader always feels what Elaine has written. So natural and believable.

  4. I wonder what would happen if he came clean to his mom?

  5. He's getting pushed into a corner he can't find comfortable. But facing his prejudices will force him to confront his pain. A difficult situation.

  6. I had wondered why he took the apartment since his prejudice was so virulent.

  7. Yeah, I get the feeling he's stuck with the apartment that has company he doesn't like.

  8. Looks like he might have to swallow his prejudce and just take the appartment on offer!

  9. He should talk to his mom. Then she can whoop him up the side of his head. LOL
