Sunday, June 17, 2018

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

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Jenna West has no idea what she might have done to her new tenant Mike Hightower. He's surly and hateful every single time they meet, and he looks at her as though he despises her.

He does despise her. She's from the Middle East, and people like her killed his friend Ramirez when the army sent them to Iraq.

Will the power of love work its magic to soften Mike's bitter hatred, or will he ignore his growing attraction for his pretty landlady?

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This week


  1. I'm enjoying your new story. What a concept. He noticed her butt and shape. A naysayer if there ever once was.

  2. Oh my, I have the feeling he's not going to be as indifferent to her as he thinks he is. Another interesting piece of the backstory going on - enjoyed the snippet!

  3. Haha, good luck with that buddy!

  4. While that last thought of his might make an interesting scene, it ain't gonna happen.

  5. I hope she gives him a challenge!

  6. Famous last words... I like the honesty in this story in his POV. Good snippet, Elaine!

  7. I wonder what his reaction would be if she did! :) It sounds like he's not as indifferent to her as he likes to believe. I'm enjoying these excerpts for much.

    (By the way, I just read 'For God So Loved the World' on you website, what a beautiful story, thanks so much for sharing.)

  8. He might tell himself he doesn't care. I don't believe him. Good snippet.

  9. I'm sure he believes he's not interested, but if he really wasn't, he wouldn't have gotten quite so distracted. He's in for a surprise later!
