Saturday, August 18, 2018

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

Today we're starting excerpts from Rest Thy Head. I'll give you a blurb and then I'll do the excerpt. 

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Running away from a fiancĂ© who betrayed her, Peyton O’Malley finds employment at a beautiful mountain inn called Rest Thy Head. She didn’t expect to live in the haunted room or to fall for the inn’s owner, a fire-scarred, war veteran who uses the inn to hide away from the world. She didn’t expect her sister to show up at Rest Thy Head either, much less her formidable mother.

Last Week:Chapter 1
Peyton didn’t have to contribute to the conversation; all she had to do was nod and say uh huh at the appropriate time.

Bet if she’d gotten engaged to Willie Lucas her mother would’ve killed her. Willie’s father worked at a local convenience store and lived on the edge of a not-­too-­nice neighborhood, but Willie had had quite a thing for her in high school.

She turned up the radio when her mother started talking about Ashley. There wasn’t any use getting into a quarrel with her mother now when they were on their way to a fitting. Of course, there was no reason why she and her mother had to go at all. Ashley was capable of getting herself to the shop and taking care of business.

Why did her mother treat Ashley like a red-­headed stepchild? Yeah, Ashley had made a few mistakes, but that didn’t make her a bad person. Whether her mother liked it or not, Ashley was her daughter, and families needed to stick together.

This week:


  1. I like this snippet and, having six kids, have been there myself. Unfortunately - my patience have been at the point of both Eleanor and the mother before LOL Great snippet!

  2. Ah yes, the unhappy toddler somewhere he doesn't want to be. Well written snippet!

  3. Oh the mother as if she never raised a child before. Always a delightful snippet so true to life!

  4. I can't imagine this mother coming to the rescue but I have a feeling her sister will. As a mom of two and a grandguy, I can feel Ashley's pain.

  5. It's interesting that the daughter is giving parenting advice to her mother.

  6. Wow, this mom isnt’ even compassionate toward her own grandchild. I like her less with every snippet.

  7. Grandmothers are supposed to love their grandkids, so this is an interesting story element and makes me hope someone can make Griffin laugh!

  8. Unfortunately, that gives Peyton a glimpse into how her mother will act around Peyton's kids. Good excerpt.

  9. She's not a very compassionate person is she? (the mother I mean) you'd think she'd be a little more sympathetic but she seems like a demanding, overbearing and thoroughly unlikeable character! (which is hopefully what you intended).

  10. I bet Mommy Dearest is in the "children should be seen and not heard" point of view. I can't imagine she can actually calm down that poor kid!

  11. Grandmother Dearest anyone? Tough life when you have no choice but to bring your kids to work with you.
