Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday Sample: Turnaround Farm

Welcome to Saturday Sample. Today I'm sharing an excerpt from my new release Turnaround Farm. Turnaround Farm is a Kindle Unlimited title available at

If up and coming realtor Holly Grant can buy Turnaround Farm for her client, her business will boom. Who says you have to have a man in your life to complete you? She’s fine as she is thank you very much. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen. 

Last Week.
Yes, Holly liked what she saw, but Dan seemed almost dumbstruck. He cut his eyes toward Jeb and flushed, probably because his grandfather had caught him staring at Holly. It was no surprise that Dan was staring. With her height and golden-blonde beauty, Holly Grant belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine.
A daring idea struck JebShe isn’t the one I’d have picked for him, but the woman who wants Dan will have to be more than just fluff, and Holly Grant is definitely that.

This Week: We continue where we left off last week.

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