Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Beyond the Book: Turnaround Farm

Welcome to Beyond the Book. Turnaround Farm which is one of my all time favorite books released last September 1 from Wings ePress. I thought today I'd share a blurb and a short excerpt with you. The book is a Kindle Unlimited title available at https://wingsepress.com/turnaround-farm/


Dedicated career girl Holly Grant has no time for romance. She doesn’t need a man to complete her, thank you very much. Building Grant Realty takes all of her time and attention. If she can close a deal for Turnaround Farm her business will take off like a rocket. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen.

Last Week
“When I saw him in the office, he was so verbally abusive I never thought about his looks,” Loretta answered in an injured tone. Holly stifled a smile. Loretta never took criticism well.

“He sure wasn’t pleasant tonight, was he?” Holly said. Thank goodness Loretta didn’t know about herknees. When she first saw Dan, her knees had felt spongy, and she’d have given a sizeable commission just to see if his shoulders felt as muscular and hard as they looked.She’d always had a thing for nice shoulders.

Of course she had no intention of saying anything to Loretta. If Loretta thought she had any interest whatsoever in Dan, she’d go on and on about it and tell everybody in the whole dang real estate office.

This week: We've picked up where we left off last week. 

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