Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Beyond the Book: Turnaround Farm

Welcome to Beyond the Book. Turnaround Farm which is one of my all time favorite books released last September 1 from Wings ePress. I thought today I'd share a blurb and a short excerpt with you. The book is a Kindle Unlimited title available at https://wingsepress.com/turnaround-farm/


Dedicated career girl Holly Grant has no time for romance. She doesn’t need a man to complete her, thank you very much. Building Grant Realty takes all of her time and attention. If she can close a deal for Turnaround Farm her business will take off like a rocket. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen.

Last Week
“They could use new appliances and some furniture that didn’t come off the ark,” Holly said. “They also need to paint the walls and redo the floors. That vinyl is worn through in more than one place.” Her nose twitched. “The room smells like a wood fire, which is nice while you’re sitting beside it, but over time it does leave a smell in the house. Didn’t you notice that this place smells like old fires and food?”
“That certainly isn’t romantic,” Loretta protested. “Michael and I often build a fire and have a little cuddle.”

Holly just groaned.

This week: We've picked up where we left off last week. 

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