Saturday, July 13, 2019

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors: Turnaround Farm

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

Turnaround Farm is a kindle unlimited title available at

If up and coming realtor Holly Grant can buy Turnaround Farm for her client, her business will boom. Who says you have to have a man in your life to complete you? She’s fine as she is thank you very much. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen. 

Excerpt: Chapter One
Last week

He sighed. I refuse to embarrass myself by losing my head and acting like a fool.
He pounded his pillow into shape and forced his tight muscles to relax. Gradually he fell into a light, fitful sleep.

Holly awoke with both a raging thirst and a desperate need for a bathroom. The clock on the bedside table said two-thirty as she eased out from under the covers. Oh, I hope Loretta won’t wake up. She’ll be as mad as a hornet if she does.

Like the bedroom, the hallway outside her room had a lot in common with the North Pole. Besides that it was pitch dark.

This Week: We're picking up where we left off last week.

She’d probably fall and break every bone in her body. How could the Wakefields stand this horrible, cold house?

She tiptoed down the stairs and opened the door that led to the kitchen. The room looked gloomy, but at least the banked fire somewhat kept the cold at bay and provided a dim light to see by. She got her water, used the bathroom, and with no more reason to delay, she dashed back up the steps toward her icy room.

If they sell the farm, maybe they’ll buy a warmer house with a night-light. I can’t see a wink. Was my room on the right or left side of the hall? Wait. It was the right.


  1. Uhhh Ohhh. I have a feeling being directionally challenged will point her in the right direction.

  2. I'm with Nancy - I've got a bad feeling about this LOL. But of course I'll keep reading! Great snippet...

  3. Yep. This sounds like a case of the wrong room at the wrong time (or maybe the right time, who knows?). Can't wait to see what will happen then!

  4. Uh oh. Is she going to end up in the wrong bed?

  5. She's got the wrong room. Looking forward to what happens next!

  6. Okay, whose room does she end of in? I can guess. Should be interesting.

  7. OH my. I read your Saturday sample, and this should be a funny scene! lol Great story!
