Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saturday Sample: Never Trust a Pretty Wolf

For the last few months I've been sharing excerpts from Turnaround Farm, but today I'm sharing from another book, Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. We'll begin with Chapter One.

Liesel Wolf has a secret, a dangerous secret she’ll go to any lengths to conceal. When she’s paired in a charity game with sexy marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own, her carefully constructed world comes crashing down, and Liesel’s on a collision course with her past.

Chapter One

Last week:
Andy groaned and cursed under his breath.


Rebuked, Andy subsided and threw the pamphlet back at Tony who caught it right before it landed in his coffee. “Just tell me what it says.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “You’re the soul of graciousness, Andy. Okay, it’s simple. Geocaching is a game that’s played with a GPS unit.”

“A real GPS unit?”

Tony nodded.

This week:

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