Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beyond the Book: Venice

After consulting a map, the farthest I’ve ever been from my home in South Carolina is about 4880 miles northeast to Venice Italy, which is situated on 118 islands.
While we were there we did all the usual touristy things, but these are the highlights of our trip.

First, we loved the traditional gondola rides.  We took our trip later in the day so as the men poled the boats down the canals we watched as the lights of Venice winked on. It felt very much like being in a fairy tale. I was disappointed by one thing, though. The man in charge of the boat didn’t sing to us.

Second, I totally loved St. Mark’s Square. It has often been called the most elegant drawing room in Europe, and I can why. It’s so beautiful. We sat down at a white iron table and ordered something to drink while we watched people feed the pigeons. We went into one of the shops surrounding St. Mark’s, and I found a piece of handmade lace that I wanted, but I wasn’t willing to pay the price.

Third, I enjoyed the Doge’s Palace. The place is very ornate from the outside, but when you go inside you’ll love the lushness of the décor and the beautiful paintings, some of which are among the largest in the world.  By the way, the Doge was the senior most elected official in Venice. He was usually a nobleman and served as chief of state.

Besides these three things, you can dine at fine restaurants, look for bargains in the shops, go to museums and cathedrals, and since Venice is a city that’s easy to walk in, you can go exploring to soak up the Venetian atmosphere. 

The picture shows one end of St. Mark’s Square. The building is St. Mark’s Basilica.

What about you? What’s the farthest you’ve been from home. Tell us about your trip.

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