Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Beyond the Book: Oh, Yes, I Would

I was recently asked whether or not I’d ever do acupuncture. The short answer is yes. I wouldn’t hesitate to use it if necessary. 

I knew what acupuncture was, but one day I saw a documentary set in China. A woman was having an operation to remove a goiter from her throat. The doctor inserted some acupuncture needles while she lay on a table, and with her fully conscious he cut into her throat and removed the goiter. She showed no reaction at all. He then sat her up and gave her an orange to eat. She did eat it, and it didn’t seem to hurt her at all. I was impressed.

My next experience with acupuncture was when my sister decided to quit smoking. She’d been smoking since she was fourteen, but one day she just decided to quit. She had one acupuncture treatment, and she stopped smoking that very day. That’s it. She didn’t do anything else.

My father also had an experience with acupuncture. He had a really painful back, and his doctor said it wouldn’t hurt to try it. I was curious so I went with him to his appointment. Let me tell you, he was sweating bullets. He didn’t like the idea of having needles stuck into him. The doctor came in and started inserting the needles, but Daddy couldn’t see him doing it. After a little polite chit chat, my dad asked when they would get started. The doctor laughed and told him they’d been started for ten minutes. Did it help my father? It did, but not to the extent that it did my sister.

So, yes, I would definitely try acupuncture if it was recommended to me. What about you? Would you do it?

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