Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Beyond the Book: Sort Of

Do you dress in any particular color or style for holidays or special days?
When I was a child my mother always dressed us up for Easter. That was the only time of year we wore gloves and a hat, but they were mandatory on Easter. So was a corsage and curled hair. As I grew older I kept up the tradition for my kids. My boys didn’t wear gloves or hats, but they did sometimes have to wear little ties and dress pants, sometimes even a sports jacket. I continued the tradition for myself too. I usually bought something new to wear for Easter. These days, not so much. My closet is packed tightly enough as it is.
I like autumn colors so I do have a tendency to buy things in the fall. They’re just pretty to me, but I love summer clothes. They truly celebrate the season with their gorgeous colors and light weight fabrics. This year I’ll have to buy a few things extra. I lost some weight recently, and my old clothes don’t fit very well.
As a teacher I always dressed for special occasions. I had big heart shaped earrings for Valentine’s Day, green earrings for St. Patrick’s Day, a tee shirt with pumpkins for the fall season, a Christmas sweater with lots of beading, and several Christmas tees with Christmas motifs on them. The kids always loved it when the teacher’s dressed for the holidays. On football days I always wore blue, which is our school’s colors.
Since I retired I don’t really spend much time planning my outfits for holidays or special occasions. I have a few dressy outfits for weddings, funerals, etc, and I have some red in my wardrobe for Christmas, but I have basic pants in several colors and blouses or tees that coordinate with them. If I want to dress them up I usually add a little jewelry or a nice jacket.
Now that I’ve thought about it, I believe I’ll buy something new for Easter this year. Maybe something in turquoise which I love. Or maybe coral. I like coral too. What about you? Do you dress in a special way for holidays or special days?
The picture shows my husband and I at an autumn picnic. Note the browns and dark greens in the blouse? Nice autumn colors.

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