Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Saved by You

GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Cole Stevens thought he was finally given a second chance in life. With the woman he always loved now by his side, an adopted son who felt like his own since the day he met him, and a baby on the way, Cole could finally see his forever. And then his past showed up on his doorstep, threatening to take it all away.

Now forced to relive painful memories and bring dark secrets to light, Cole begins a downward spiral that leads him back to the place he spent years trying to escape. As the pain of his past collides with the present, he finds himself lost again, fighting for his family's future. How can he find the way back in time for his forever to be saved?



Footsteps approach. I feel a light touch, and then hands gently finding their way around my waist. Camryn lays her head on my shoulder and squeezes. Gavin stands up next to me on the other side of the bench and links his arms around my neck. 

“Daddy, are you mad at me?” he asks. 

I lift my head, pull Gavin onto my lap, and tilt his chin toward my face. “You listen now. I could never be mad at you for talking about the baby. You will be the best big brother anyone could ask for. So, you talk about the baby all you want.” I lift my thumb. “Thumbs-up to the best big brother in the world.” 

He touches his thumb to mine. “Thumbs-up to the best daddy in the world.” 

As the pain melts away, Camryn squeezes my waist and kisses my shoulder. “Are you ready to go, best-daddy-in-the-world?” 

I gently kiss her lips and assure her, “With you, I’m ready for anything.” The meaning of my words run deeper than the family dinner awaiting us at home. 

She stands up from the bench and turns toward me. “Let’s start small then.” She reaches her hand out. “One step toward home?” 

The distant roar of the waves slamming the shore, and the strength in Camryn’s simple words, fortify my resolve. I reach out to my wife, my lifeline, and grasp her hand, knowing she is the only one who possesses the power to save me.

Author Interview:

1.     Do you plot out a story or just start writing?
I tend to always start by just writing. As the story starts to take form, I tend to plot out each chapter. However, more times than not I travel completely off the plot as new ideas spring to mind.

2.     What was the hardest part of writing this book?
The surf scenes were no doubt the hardest to write. To understand the lingo and be able to use it in the story was a challenge. Also, just the overall art of the sport was all so new to me. Meeting with and learning from surfers definitely made it a little easier, though!

3.     Did you hide any secrets or hints in this story?
I definitely threw in some secrets from the first book in the series, Lost Until You. Many chapters in this book are flashbacks to Cole’s past and that is where you’ll find these Easter Eggs. Think super heroes!

4.     What is your biggest improvement in your writing ability?
This book definitely improved my writing from a male perspective. I struggled in the beginning and when I became more comfortable with it, I totally loved it. My current work in process switches between a female and male point-of-view and I am finding that it’s coming much easier this time around.

5.     How important is the book cover to the novel?
I absolutely value importance a book cover plays in sales of the book. This cover is bright and stands out, which I think catches the eyes of browsers and window shoppers.

6.     Travel back in time. What would you say to your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to be more patient. I’ve found that things happen at their own pace and always when they’re supposed to happen. My very first novel idea began 6 years ago, and I wish I could’ve been more patient and less crazed. I have no doubt that I’ll be tapping into that patience in the future!


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kimberly Daniels is a middle school English Teacher who took the advice of her students to pursue her writing hobby as a career. When she’s not at her laptop dreaming up new happily-ever-afters, she can be found glued to the TV or Kindle consumed with a new show or book addiction. She lives with her husband and two daughters in in the suburbs of Philadelphia, 
spending weekends at basketball games, softball fields, and dance recitals.

Connect with Kimberly Daniels:
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Amazon Author Page:



Kimberly Daniels will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great post and I appreciate getting to find out about another great book. Thanks for all you do and for the hard work you put into this. Greatly appreciated!

  2. What books are you looking forward to reading in 2020?

  3. I hope your book is a success. It sounds interesting.

  4. Thank you for hosting!
