Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Brothers' Band

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.Liza Malloy will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Bookworm Lily Mitchell vowed never to date another musician, but Dylan Parker is nothing like the stereotype. Sure, he’s mysterious and sexy, with a flashy car and serious bedroom skills, but he’s also smart, hardworking, and humble. He shares Lily’s passion for classic literature and constantly surprises her with romantic gestures. Their steamy relationship moves at whirlwind pace, and Lily has never been happier.

It’s all so perfect that at first, Lily wills herself to ignore the emerging red flags. As her worries about Dylan increase, she finds friendship and comfort in his brother and bandmate, Thomas. But Lily soon discovers that as much as Thomas cares for his brother, he’s also fallen hard for her.

As Dylan spirals further out of control, Lily must decide what she really wants, and whom she is willing to hurt.

Read an Excerpt

I turned and saw that Dylan was staring at me. He leaned in slowly, placed his hands on my cheeks, and pulled me in for the kiss. His lips brushed against mine lightly at first, then relaxed into the kiss slowly. It was a polite kiss, the kind where I could tell he was holding back. Dylan ended the kiss before I was ready, while my entire body still ached to taste him. He’d offered me just enough to convince me that our chemistry wasn’t limited to conversation. His hands dropped from my cheeks, and he squeezed my hand in his. I blinked and tried to control my breathing.

“You’re terrible,” I finally mumbled, smiling.

He grinned in response.

“I mean, really. A sunset walk on the beach, a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel... So cliché.”

“And you love it,” he said.

“I do,” I admitted, glad he hadn’t taken my statement as an insult. I loved romance, and there was no denying that certain things were romantic. There was obviously a reason they became clichés.

“Are you hungry?” he asked when we deboarded.

“I could eat. What did you have in mind?”

He glanced around. “Hot dog and cotton candy?”

I laughed. Leave it to the wealthiest guy I’d ever dated to buy me an amusement park hotdog on our first date. “Works for me,” I said.

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About the Author
Liza Malloy writes contemporary romance, women's fiction, suspense romance, and fantasy. She’s a sucker for alpha males, bad boys, dimples, and muscles, and she can’t resist a man in uniform. Liza loves creating worlds where the heroine discovers her own strength and finds her Happily Ever After. When Liza isn’t reading or writing torrid love stories, she’s a practicing attorney. Her other passions include gummy bears, jelly beans, and the occasional marathon. She lives in Hamilton County with her four daughters and her own Prince Charming. Her books Sixty Days for Love, For Love and Italian, and Forbidden Ink are available in paperback and ebook, and can be found on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. More updates and fun bonus content available on her website,

Amazon Author Page:

Links to other books on Amazon:

Sixty Days for Love:
For Love and Italian:
Forbidden Ink:

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