Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Beyond the Book: It Was a Hard Decision But We're Glad We Made It

My grandson has high functioning autism. He’s a lovely young man with a good personality as well as a great sense of humor, and he is able to hold down a part time job at Wal Mart. He attends church every week with his parents. Recently, he started talking about someone named Zoe. It turns out that Zoe attends the same church. She too has high functioning autism and a part time job at a local hospital.
You may see where this is going. The two of them are now crazy about each and are talking about getting married. It almost broke my heart. The two of them can never have a totally normal life so how could they get married?
The entire family worried and thought and finally came to a conclusion. With some help there was no reason why they couldn’t get married. We want them to have as normal a life as possible, right?
I know that there are many people who won’t agree with the family’s decision, but we’ve decided that it’s in Simon and Zoe’s best interest to be together. So in a couple of years time, if they still want to, they’ll be getting married.
The picture below shows Simon and Zoe having dinner after he gave her a diamond. Those two faces look awfully happy to me.
Zoe an Simon 2

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