Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors. Today we'll continue to share excerpts from Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. On Sunday when you finish here, do go to for more excerpts from a bunch of great authors.

Liesel Wolf has a secret, a dangerous secret she’ll go to any lengths to conceal. When she’s paired in a charity game with sexy marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own, her carefully constructed world comes crashing down, and Liesel’s on a collision course with her past.

Chapter One

Last Week
Truthfully, though, it didn’t matter what he did for a living. After learning the hard way that trusting a man brought nothing but unhappiness, she had promised herself she’d never fall into that trap again. A promise she intended to keep.

Chapter Two
Andy got out of Tony’s SUV, shouldering his bag as he squinted against the early morning sun. “You owe me one, Tony, and I won’t let you forget it.”

“Oh, quit griping. Once you get started Ms. Wolf’ll thaw a little, and you’ll have a great time.”

“Yeah, so you say,” Andy replied with a scowl.

He slammed the door and Tony took off, undoubtedly congratulating himself on evading the game.

This week: We're in Andy's POV


  1. His slow burn is totally understandable, right? After all, how dare she wear clothes that look good on her. The nerve!

  2. Ruh Roh, Shaggy. We're in trouble....

  3. Sounds like he's in trouble, unable to control himself already.

  4. To me 'slow burn' signals anger but as I finished the snippet, I totally got what meaning you have in mind instead LOL. She really does affect him! Following this team on the challenge is going to be fascinating - terrific snippet, says so much in such short order.

  5. Can't wait to see where this is going. If their reaction to each other is this intent around others, what's it going to be when they're alone together?

  6. A very colorful snippet! Love the descriptions. And yes, he seems to be getting hot and bothered by her already. :) Great snippet!Tweeted.

  7. Ooh - they will make fun partners for this game.

  8. Hot and bothered is what's happening here.

  9. Sounds like he’s going to have a difficult time concentrating. 😊

  10. Nice description. This is going to be a fun read!
