Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors. Today we'll continue to share excerpts from Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. On Sunday when you finish here, do go to for more excerpts from a bunch of great authors.

Liesel Wolf has a secret, a dangerous secret she’ll go to any lengths to conceal. When she’s paired in a charity game with sexy marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own, her carefully constructed world comes crashing down, and Liesel’s on a collision course with her past.

Chapter One

Last Week

“Then we’d better get rolling.”

Ms. Wolf passed a map to Andy. “Either use a computer 
program or plot the shortest route to South Carolina.”

“I guess you get to drive, huh?”

Her emerald eyes skewered him with green fire. “Yes, that is 
right. It is my car so I will drive. If I get tired I will let you take a turn. Do we understand each other, Mr. Bryce? We are supposed to be partners, which means I will not allow you to play the role of a macho Neanderthal.”

This week: We're in Andy's POV


  1. lol. WOW! And sparks flew. If they ever get together, I think it might be like a Klingon love scene.

    Great buildup of tension in your writing, Elaine!

  2. Wow! Trouble afoot and I look forward to what happens next!

  3. Uh oh, the gloves are coming off on both sides now...fireworks ahead for sure. Enjoyed the snippet1

  4. She's got the whole macho alpha-hole routine down pat.

  5. They're definitely going to butt heads, but I wonder what all that tension will lead to.

  6. "Witch" isn't the name I'd be calling her. That's going to be a fun ride!

  7. This is going to be a fabulous ride for the reader--maybe not so much for the two of them. LOL Love their sparring!
